Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Adjectives Class 4 Worksheet

Last updated on August 28th, 2023 at 09:52 pm


Adjectives Class 4 Worksheet – 2

1. The small kitten is playing with a ball of yarn.
Adjective: _______________

2. The shiny car is parked in the driveway.
Adjective: _______________

3. The friendly dog wagged its tail and licked my hand.
Adjective: _______________

4. My mom cooked a tasty dinner for us.
Adjective: _______________

5. The red apple fell from the tree.
Adjective: _______________

6. The sleepy child yawned and rubbed their eyes.
Adjective: _______________

7. The long road leads to the beautiful beach.
Adjective: _______________

8. The clean classroom has colorful posters on the walls.
Adjective: _______________

9. The soft pillow is perfect for a good night’s sleep.
Adjective: _______________

10. The noisy birds chirp loudly in the morning.
Adjective: _______________

Answer Key:

The small kitten is playing with a ball of yarn.
Adjective: small

The shiny car is parked in the driveway.
Adjective: shiny

The friendly dog wagged its tail and licked my hand.
Adjective: friendly

My mom cooked a tasty dinner for us.
Adjective: tasty

The red apple fell from the tree.
Adjective: red

The sleepy child yawned and rubbed their eyes.
Adjective: sleepy

The long road leads to the beautiful beach.
Adjective: long

The clean classroom has colorful posters on the walls.
Adjective: clean

The soft pillow is perfect for a good night’s sleep.
Adjective: soft

The noisy birds chirp loudly in the morning.
Adjective: noisy



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