Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

CG Board Class 6 Science Health and Hygiene


ii. Why should fruits and vegetables be washed before use?
Fruits and vegetables should be washed before use to remove dirt, pesticides, and contaminants. This washing helps to make them safe to consume and reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses.


iii. Why should food and water be kept covered?
Food and water should be kept covered to prevent contamination and to protect them from flies, dust, and other environmental pollutants. Covering food and water helps maintain their hygiene and safety.


iv. Why is health education necessary?
Health education is necessary to create awareness about healthy practices, diseases, prevention, and the importance of hygiene. It empowers individuals to make informed choices about their health and well-being.


v. What all should be kept in mind to keep healthy?
To stay healthy, we should Maintain a balanced diet ,maintain good hygiene ,Exercise regularly ,Get enough sleep,Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption etc.

vi. Why are toilets necessary at our homes and schools ?
Toilets are necessary at homes and schools for several reasons:

  • To promote proper sanitation and hygiene.
  • To prevent open defecation, which can lead to the spread of diseases.
  • To provide privacy and dignity, especially for women and children.
  • To ensure the safe disposal of human waste.
  • To reduce environmental pollution and contamination of water sources.

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