Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Chhattisgarh Board Class 8 Science Chapter 13 Solution

Last updated on February 9th, 2024 at 04:33 pm

Crops like sugarcane, grapes, and certain orchard crops are often watered through drip irrigation.


What is seed treatment?

Seed treatment is a process of preparing seeds by treating them with fungicides or insecticides to protect against infections and to facilitate easy germination.


Why is it necessary to plant seeds at reasonable depths?

Planting seeds at reasonable depths ensures they receive adequate moisture, light, and air for germination and growth.


How is compost made?

Compost is made by decomposing organic matter like vegetable waste, garbage, and animal refuse in large pits or specially designed tanks.


Why is the earthworm called the ‘farmer’s friend’?

Earthworms are called the “farmer’s friend” because they improve soil fertility by breaking down organic matter and aerating the soil.


What are fertilizers?

Fertilizers are chemical or organic substances added to the soil to provide essential nutrients to crops for optimal growth.


Why is irrigation necessary for crops?

Irrigation is necessary for crops because it provides the required water for crop growth, especially in regions with insufficient rainfall.


What are the new irrigation techniques?

New irrigation techniques include sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation, which are more efficient in water use.


Can we plant or grow grains and gourds in the same field? Explain giving reasons ?

Grains and gourds can be grown in the same field through mixed cropping, which is a traditional farming practice. This helps optimize land use and reduce pest and disease pressure.


Why do fruits and vegetables spoil faster in summer and remain fresh for more time in winter?

Fruits and vegetables spoil faster in summer due to higher temperatures and humidity, which accelerate spoilage processes. In winter, lower temperatures and drier conditions help preserve them for longer.


What are weeds ? Why is weed control necessary?

Weeds are unwanted plants that compete with cultivated crops for nutrients, water, space, and sunlight. Weed control is necessary to ensure crop growth and maximize yields.


How can you protect your crops from pests?

Crops can be protected from pests through the use of pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides. Biological control methods like introducing predator insects are also used.


For which work is the combine harvester used ?

Combine harvesters are used for both reaping and threshing crops, making the harvesting process more efficient.


How are crop products stored?

Crop products are stored in storage facilities like warehouses and silos, ensuring proper conditions to prevent spoilage and maintain quality.


Correct Statements:

  1. Kharif crops require more water than rabi crops. (Correct: Kharif crops are typically grown in the rainy season and require more water.)
  2. Pesticides and weedicides are not harmful to human beings. (Incorrect: Pesticides and weedicides can be harmful to human health and the environment. The statement should be: “Pesticides and weedicides can be harmful to human beings.”)
  3. Earthworms are harmful for crops. (Incorrect: Earthworms are not harmful but beneficial for crops. The statement should be: “Earthworms are beneficial for crops.”)
  4. Wheat is the main kharif crop of our country. (Incorrect: Wheat is a rabi crop. The statement should be: “Wheat is a main rabi crop of our country.”)
  5. There is much carbohydrate and fat in mushroom. (Incorrect: Mushrooms are low in carbohydrates and fat. The statement should be: “Mushrooms are low in carbohydrates and fat.”)

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