A: The wood from bamboo and pine trees is made into a watery paste and then rolled into sheets to make paper.
Q: What is cotton fiber used to make?
A: Cotton fiber is used to make cloth.
Q: What is jute commonly used to make?
A: Jute is commonly used to make bags and ropes.
Q: Where do we get leather and wool from?
A: Leather and wool are obtained from animals.
Q: What materials are used to make pots, bricks, and tiles?
A: Clay
Q: Name some common metals used to make vessels, engines, and electrical items.
Iron, aluminium, and copper
Q: Where do we get all metals from?
The Earth
Q: Name some products made from petroleum.
Petrol, diesel, kerosene, wax, Vaseline, and plastics
Q: What is the danger of using too many plastic things?
They can pollute the soil when thrown away and do not decompose like plant or animal material.
Q: What are some things that we make with plastics?
Nylon clothes, ropes, toys, bags, TV and radio cabinet parts, parts of cars, and many other things.
Q: What is the advantage of things made of plastic not rotting like plant or animal material?
Things made of plastic last for a long time.
Q: What is the danger in using too many plastic things?
When we throw them away, they stay in the soil and pollute it.