Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 4 English Being Neighbourly Que Ans

Class 4 English Being Neighbourly


Q- Who were Joe March’s neighbors?

A- Joe March’s neighbors were old Mr. Lawrence and his grandson, Laurie.


Q- Why did Joe toss a snowball to Laurie’s window?

A- Joe tossed a snowball to Laurie’s window to catch his attention and make him look out.


Q- How did Laurie react when Joe visited him?

A- When Joe visited Laurie, he became cheerful and started laughing, especially when he saw the kittens she brought.


Q-What did Joe bring with her when she visited Laurie?

A-Joe brought a covered dish of food and three kittens with her when she visited Laurie.


Q-Which sister of Joe’s sent the delicious blancmange?

A-Meg, one of Joe’s sisters, sent the delicious blancmange.


Q-Why did Laurie apologize to Joe?

A-Laurie apologized to Joe because he had been rude about her family and mentioned that he didn’t have a mother.


Q-What did Joe suggest to Laurie in order to make him feel less lonely?

A-Joe suggested that Laurie come and visit her family to make him feel less lonely.


Q-What did Laurie offer to Joe during their conversation?

A-During their conversation, Laurie offered Joe to come down to their library and explore the books.


Q-What decision did Mr. Lawrence make after observing Joe and Laurie’s interaction?

A-After observing Joe and Laurie’s interaction and realizing Laurie’s loneliness, Mr. Lawrence decided to let Laurie visit the March family sometimes.


Who Said to Whom


“How do you do? Are you sick?” –

Joe said to Laurie.

“It’s your grandpa! What shall I do?” –

Joe said to Laurie.

“Would you mind if I left you for a minute?” –

Laurie said to Joe.

“You said you are not afraid of anything, remember?” –

Laurie said to Joe.

“If you like them so much, come down to our library.” –

Laurie said to Joe.



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