Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Basva farm
Class 4 EVS Chapter 14 Basva farm Fill in the blanks , True false and Extra question answers.
Fill in the Blanks
1. Basva’s father is a ______. (farmer)
2. They live in ______ village in Karnataka. (Belvanika)
3. Basva’s father uses a ______ to loosen the soil. (Khunti)
4. The ______ pull the Kurige to sow seeds. (bullocks)
5. It takes about ______ days for onion seeds to sprout. (twenty)
6. Weeds take away ______ and ______ from the soil. (water, fertilizers)
7. The leaves turning ______ and drying up means onions are ready. (yellow)
8. If onions are not harvested on time, they will ______ in the ground. (rot)
9. Amma and Aunty use an ______ to cut dried leaves from onions. (illige)
10. Basva helps his father in the field after ______ and on ______. (school hours, holidays)
True or False
1. Basva’s father is a teacher. (False)
2. The Khunti is used to dig and loosen the soil. (True)
3. Onion seeds start sprouting after ten days. (False)
4. Weeds help onion plants grow well. (False)
5. The family removes weeds so onions can grow better. (True)
6. Basva is allowed to sow seeds himself. (False)
7. The onions are harvested when the leaves turn yellow. (True)
8. If onions are not taken out on time, they remain fresh. (False)
9. The family sells the onions in the market. (True)
10. The illige is a sharp tool used to cut onion leaves. (True)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
1. What is Basva’s father’s job?
a) Doctor
b) Farmer ✅
c) Teacher
2. Where does Basva’s family live?
a) Delhi
b) Belvanika ✅
c) Mumbai
3. What is used to loosen the soil?
a) Khunti ✅
b) Hammer
c) Shovel
4. What pulls the Kurige to sow seeds?
a) Horses
b) Bullocks ✅
c) Tractors
5. How many days does it take for onion plants to sprout?
a) 10 days
b) 20 days ✅
c) 30 days
6. What must be removed from the field to help onions grow?
a) Stones
b) Weeds ✅
c) Flowers
7. What does Appa use to cut dried leaves of onions?
a) Illige ✅
b) Knife
c) Scissors
8. What happens if onions are not harvested on time?
a) They rot ✅
b) They grow bigger
c) They become flowers