9. How are onions taken to the market?
a) In a truck ✅
b) In a bicycle
c) By walking
10. When does Basva help his father in the field?
a) Anytime
b) After school and on holidays ✅
c) Early morning
Chapter 14 Basva farm Question & Answers
1. Who is Basva?
Basva is a boy whose father is a farmer.
2. Where does Basva live?
He lives in Belvanika village in Karnataka.
3. What does Basva’s father do?
He is a farmer and grows onions.
4. What is Khunti used for?
It is used to dig and loosen the soil.
5. Why can’t Basva sow the onion seeds?
Because it is difficult to drop the right amount at the correct distance.
6. What happens if there are too many weeds?
They take away water and fertilizers, making the onions unhealthy.
7. How does the family know when onions are ready?
When the leaves turn yellow and dry up.
8. Why should onions be harvested on time?
If they are not taken out on time, they will rot in the ground.
9. How are onions taken to the market?
They are packed in sacks and taken in a truck.
10. When does Basva help his father?
After school and on holidays.
Class 4 EVS Chapter 15 From Market to Home