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By Savita S. More

MCQ on Class 4 Science Plant Adaptations

Last updated on December 9th, 2023 at 10:02 pm

Class 4 Science – Plant Adaptations


Class 4 Science – Plant Adaptations covers the various adaptations of plants in different environments such as deserts, mountains, rain-forests, and aquatic habitats. Students will learn about how plants have evolved to survive and thrive in these diverse environments.


What is a habitat?

  1. a) The natural home of a living organism
  2. b) A place where animals go to hibernate
  3. c) A type of plant species

Answer: a) The natural home of a living organism


What are the factors that make up a habitat?

  1. a) Only biotic factors
  2. b) Only abiotic factors
  3. c) Both biotic and abiotic factors

Answer: c) Both biotic and abiotic factors


Which of the following adaptations allow a cactus to survive in a desert?

  1. a) Large leaves to absorb more sunlight
  2. b) Thick waxy coating to prevent water loss
  3. c) Ability to hibernate during the day

Answer: b) Thick waxy coating to prevent water loss


Which of the following plants is most likely to survive in a pond environment?

  1. a) Cactus plant
  2. b) Lotus plant
  3. c) Pine tree

Answer: b) Lotus plant


What are terrestrial plants?

  1. a) Plants that grow on land
  2. b) Plants that grow in water
  3. c) Plants that grow in marshy regions

Answer: a) Plants that grow on land


What factors do plants adapt to in their habitat?

  1. a) Only the type of soil
  2. b) Only the amount of rainfall
  3. c) Weather, amount of rainfall, type of soil, and other such factors

Answer: c) Weather, amount of rainfall, type of soil, and other such factors


What is the adaptation seen in plants that grow in flat planes?

  1. a) More branches and less space to spread out
  2. b) Less branches and more space to spread out
  3. c) No branches and very small leaves

Answer: b) Less branches and more space to spread out


What type of leaves do plants in flat planes have?

  1. a) Round leaves
  2. b) Thin and long leaves
  3. c) Flat leaves to trap sunlight

Answer: c) Flat leaves to trap sunlight


Which of the following plants is an example of a terrestrial plant that grows in flat planes?

  1. a) Seaweed
  2. b) Cherry
  3. c) Water lily

Answer: b) Cherry


What are deciduous trees?

  1. a) Trees that never lose their leaves
  2. b) Trees that shed their leaves once in a year
  3. c) Trees that only grow in deserts

Answer: b) Trees that shed their leaves once in a year


What are evergreen trees?

  1. a) Trees that lose all their leaves once in a year
  2. b) Trees that never lose their leaves
  3. c) Trees that only grow in rainforests

Answer: b) Trees that never lose their leaves


What is the adaptation seen in plants that grow in deserts?

  1. a) Large leaves to absorb more sunlight
  2. b) Ability to hold a lot of water in their roots
  3. c) Ability to survive with less water and adapt to hot and dry conditions

Answer: c) Ability to survive with less water and adapt to hot and dry conditions


What is the soil like in deserts?

  1. a) Rich in nutrients
  2. b) Sandy and cannot hold much water
  3. c) Clayey and holds a lot of water

Answer: b) Sandy and cannot hold much water


Which of the following plants is an example of a desert plant?

  1. a) Pine tree
  2. b) Cactus
  3. c) Maple tree

Answer: b) Cactus


Why do cacti plants have reduced leaves?

  1. a) To maximize photosynthesis
  2. b) To minimize transpiration and protect from herbivorous animals
  3. c) To absorb more water

Answer: b) To minimize transpiration and protect from herbivorous animals


What is the function of waxy hair and spiny outer surfaces in cacti plants?

  1. a) To attract pollinators
  2. b) To reduce water loss through transpiration
  3. c) To absorb more sunlight

Answer: b) To reduce water loss through transpiration


What is the function of spongy stems in cacti plants?

  1. a) To store water
  2. b) To absorb sunlight
  3. c) To reduce water loss

Answer: a) To store water


What is the color of cacti stems and why?

  1. a) Red, to attract pollinators
  2. b) Green, due to the presence of chlorophyll and for photosynthesis
  3. c) Brown, for protection from herbivorous animals

Answer: b) Green, due to the presence of chlorophyll and for photosynthesis


What are the adaptations in cacti plants?

  1. Long and thick roots that grow deep into the ground
  2. Broad leaves to absorb sunlight
  3. Many stomata on their leaves
  4. Narrow spines for reduced transpiration and protection

Answer: d. Narrow spines for reduced transpiration and protection

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