Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 5 Science Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases

Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 09:17 pm

When infected mosquitoes bite a person, the parasite enters into their bloodstream.


Q: What measures can be taken to prevent malaria?

Not allowing water to collect near the house, using mosquito nets, wearing long pants and sleeves, spraying insecticides, using anti-malaria drugs, and keeping infected individuals in isolation.


Q: What are houseflies carriers of?

Houseflies are carriers of germs such as bacteria, virus, protozoa, and worms.


Q: How do houseflies transfer germs to humans?

Houseflies transfer germs to humans when they sit on contaminated items such as garbage, feces, and dirty places, and then sit on food items which are consumed by humans.


Q: What are the symptoms of dysentery?

The symptoms of dysentery include mild to severe abdominal pain or stomach cramps, passing of stool with mucus and blood.


Q: What is ORS and how is it prepared?

ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) is a solution used to replace fluids lost from diarrhea. It is prepared by mixing 6 teaspoons of sugar, half (1/2) teaspoon of salt, and one liter of clean drinking or boiled water and then cooled.


Q: What are the different types of germs that can cause diseases?

Bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses.


Q: What is microbiology?

The study of microorganisms.


Q: Where can microorganisms be found?

They can be found in air, water, soil, in hot springs and even in our body.


Q: Name some diseases caused by viruses.

Flu (influenza), common cold, measles, mumps, German measles (Rubella), smallpox, cowpox, chickenpox, HIV (can lead to AIDS), rabies, etc.


Q: Name some diseases caused by bacteria.

Cholera, tuberculosis (TB), septicaemia (“blood poisoning”), anthrax, etc.


Q: Name some diseases caused by protozoa/protoctista.

Malaria, sleeping sickness, dysentery, etc.


Q: Name some diseases caused by fungi.

Athlete’s foot, ringworm, etc.


Q: What are the ways in which diseases can be transmitted?

Diseases can be transmitted through direct contact with infected persons, air, contaminated food and water, and insects like mosquitoes.


Q: How can diseases transmitted through direct contact be prevented?

Diseases transmitted through direct contact can be prevented by avoiding contact with infected persons and not using anything used by the infected person, such as towels, brushes, etc.


Q: How can air borne diseases be prevented?

Air borne diseases can be prevented if the infected person covers their mouth while coughing or sneezing and avoids spitting in public places.


Q: Which diseases are caused through infected food and water?

Diseases caused through infected food and water include diarrhea, jaundice, cholera, and typhoid.


Q: How can diseases caused by insects like mosquitoes be prevented?

Diseases caused by insects like mosquitoes can be prevented by keeping the surroundings clean, spraying insecticides, using mosquito nets, and wearing long sleeves and pants.

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