Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 5 English Chapter 9 Song of People


Chapter 9 Song of People Question and Answers


Q. What is the poem “Sing a Song of People” about?
A. The poem is about the busy lives of people in a city.


Q. Where do people go up and down in the city?
A. People go up and down in elevators in tall buildings.


Q. Why do people carry umbrellas?
A. People carry umbrellas when it rains.


Q. How do people travel in the city?
A. People travel by buses, taxis, and the subway.


Q. What do grumpy people do in the city?
A. Grumpy people do not smile and walk in a hurry.


Q. Where do people ride the subway?
A. People ride the subway underneath the ground.


Q. What do people do when they are in a hurry?
A. People walk fast and take buses or taxis.


Q. Who is the poet of the poem?
A. The poem is written by Lois Lenski.


Q. Do people in the city walk alone or in a crowd?
A. Some people walk alone, while others walk in a crowd.


Q. Why do people never look at each other?
A. Because they are always in a hurry.


Q. Which modes of transport do the people use to move around in the city?
A. People use buses, taxis, the subway, and elevators to move around in the city.


Q. What are the things that people carry with them while moving around?
A. People carry umbrellas, bags, and hats, and some hold newspapers or mobile phones.


Q. Where all do you find these very busy people?
A. Busy people are found on sidewalks, buses, subways, offices, markets, and tall buildings.


Q. Where have you seen crowds of people?
A. Crowds of people can be seen at bus stops, railway stations, shopping malls, markets, and schools.


Q. Why do you think all these people are in a hurry?
A. People are in a hurry because they have work to do, places to reach, and things to buy. Some are rushing to offices, while others are going home or meeting someone.


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