Answer the following in 1 or 2 lines.
(a) Where are the equatorial forests located?
A: Near the equator in North and South America, Africa, Australia, and Asia (10° North to 10° South).
(b) Name three trees found in the equatorial forests.
A: Mahogany, rosewood, cinchona.
(c) Which different tribes are found in the equatorial region?
A: Bantu, Pygmies, Huli, Semangs, Yanomami, Jarawas, Kubus, Dayaks.
(d) What is shifting cultivation?
A: Clearing and cultivating land until fertility is lost, then moving to another area.
(e) What is cassava?
A: Root crop, staple food in equatorial regions, dried and pounded into flour.
(f) How did the tribes of the rainforests start plantation farming?
A: Introduced by Europeans during colonial rule.
(g) Name the crops grown on plantation farms.
A: Coffee, cocoa, cotton, tobacco, rubber, palm oil.
Long Answer Questions:
(a) Describe the climate of the rainforest areas.
A: Hot and humid with daily rainfall, experiencing convectional rainfall and frequent thunderstorms.
(b) Describe the characteristics of equatorial rainforests.
A: Dense, evergreen forests with distinct layers and a variety of wildlife.