Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 6 English Chapter 3 Taro’s Reward

B. 1. “This made Taro sadder than ever.” ‘This’ refers to
(i) a strong wind that began to blow.
(ii) Taro’s father’s old age.
(iii) Taro’s inability to buy expensive saké for his father.[answer]


2. “This, said the emperor, was to encourage all children to honour and obey their parents.” ‘This’ refers to
(i) the most beautiful fountain in the city.
(ii) rewarding Taro with gold and giving the fountain his name.[answer]
(iii) sending for Taro to hear his story.


C. Arrange the words below in pairs that rhyme.
Example: young – lung
money – sunny , sad-bad , chop-stop, last-fast, wax-axe, could-wood, sound-round, way-day

Extra Question Answers


Question: What is Taro’s occupation?
Answer: Woodcutter


Question: Why did Taro decide to work harder?
Answer: He wanted to earn more money to buy saké for his father.


Question: What did Taro discover behind the rock in the forest?
Answer: A rushing waterfall


Question: What did Taro’s father do after drinking the saké?
Answer: He danced in the middle of the floor.


Question: What did the villagers discover when they tried to drink from the waterfall again?
Answer: It was flowing with cold water.


Question: What did the Emperor of Japan reward Taro with?
Answer: Twenty pieces of gold


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