Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 8 Geography Unit 1 Rocks and Soil extra question answers

A26: Petrology is a branch of geology that deals with the study of rocks. The term is derived from the Greek words “Petrus” (rock) and “Logos” (study).


Q27: Name three major active volcanoes mentioned in the text.

A27: Three major active volcanoes mentioned are Mount Vesuvius, Mt. Stromboli, and Mt. Etna in Italy.


Q28: Why are sedimentary rocks important for natural resources?

A28: Sedimentary rocks are important sources of natural resources like coal, oil, and natural gas.


Q29: What is the estimated age of the oldest sedimentary rocks in the world?

A29: The oldest sedimentary rocks in the world have been identified in Greenland and are estimated to be 3.9 billion years old.


Q30: What type of rock was used to build the Taj Mahal?

A30: The Taj Mahal in India was built with white marble, which is a metamorphic rock.


Q31: What are the layers of soil in order from top to bottom?

A31: The layers of soil from top to bottom are:

  • O-Horizon (Humus)
  • A-Horizon (Top Soil)
  • E-Horizon (Elevated layer)
  • B-Horizon (Sub-soil)
  • C-Horizon (Parent Rock)
  • R-Horizon (Parent Rock)


Q32: What is the O-Horizon in a soil profile?

A32: The O-Horizon, also known as Humus, is the top layer dominated by organic material such as leaves, needles, twigs, moss, and lichens.


Q33: What is found in the B-Horizon of soil?

A33: In the B-Horizon or Sub-soil, you can find accumulations of iron, clay, aluminum, and organic compounds.


Q34: How long does it typically take for soil to become well matured?

A34: It takes about 3000 years for soil to become well matured.


Q35: How does soil formation time differ in wet tropical areas compared to mild climates?

A35: In wet tropical areas, soil formation is faster, taking up to 200 years to form one cm of soil, compared to 200-400 years in mild climates.


Q36: What are the three types of sedimentary rocks mentioned in the text?

A36: The three types of sedimentary rocks mentioned are:

  • Organic Sedimentary Rocks
  • Mechanical Sedimentary Rocks
  • Chemical Sedimentary Rocks


Q37: What is dynamic metamorphism?

A37: Dynamic metamorphism is a process where changes in rocks are mainly caused by high pressure.


Q38: How does granite transform into gneiss?

A38: Granite transforms into gneiss through dynamic metamorphism.


Q39: What are evaporates in the context of sedimentary rocks?

A39: Evaporates are chemical sedimentary rocks formed by the precipitation of minerals from water, usually through evaporation of chemical-rich solutions.


Q40: What is the composition of the earth’s crust (Lithosphere)?

A40: The earth’s crust (Lithosphere) is composed of rocks.


Q41: How many different types of minerals are estimated to be found on the earth’s surface?

A41: It is estimated that there are 2,000 different types of minerals found on the earth’s surface.


Q42: What percentage of the basic minerals are commonly found all over the earth?

A42: Only 8 basic minerals out of the 2,000 different types are commonly found all over the earth.


Q43: Why is soil called the ‘skin of the earth’?

A43: Soil is called the ‘skin of the earth’ because it forms on the surface of the earth.


Q44: What are the major agents of soil erosion?

A44: The major agents of soil erosion are running water and wind.


Q45: Name three types of soil erosion mentioned in the text.

A45: The three types of soil erosion mentioned are:

  • Sheet erosion
  • Rill erosion
  • Gully erosion


Q46: What type of soil is ideal for growing cotton?

A46: Black soil is ideal for growing cotton.


Q47: Which soil is suitable for plantation crops like tea and coffee?

A47: Laterite soil is suitable for plantation crops like tea and coffee.


Q48: Why are desert soils generally infertile?

A48: Desert soils are generally infertile because they are porous and saline.


Q49: How does soil act as a natural filter?

A49: Soil acts as a natural filter of water and purifies it.


Q50: What is the significance of soil in land management and ecosystems?

A50: Soil supports ecosystems and plays an important role in land management.

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