Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Gseb Class 9 Social Science Chapter 1 Notes

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 10:15 pm


Wellesley introduced the Subsidiary Alliance System to expand the rule of the East India Company and annexed many provinces.


Bentinck was a liberal Governor General who believed in a non-imperialist policy.

Dalhousie adopted the Policy of Annexation and introduced reforms such as the first railway line, wireless system, and English education.


The British rule and empire expanded in India, but dissatisfaction led to the first struggle for independence in 1857.


India became a producer of raw material for England and a market for British goods during the Company rule.


Bengal was an economic powerhouse before the Dual Power Policy, which gave the British power without responsibility and the Nawab responsibility without power.


Unfair revenue collection policy made Indian peasants debtors and unfair taxes were imposed on Indian cloth industries, causing their collapse.


British traders adopted deceitful practices to ruin prosperous Indian industries and forced weavers to sign contracts under the threat of punishment.


Indian artisans became poor and unemployed.


Indian villages became dependent and poor under the Company rule.


First railway line and steamer service between India and England was started during the Company rule.


Development of ports in Mumbai, Madras and Kolkata also took place.


Development of newspapers led to the spirit of freedom of speech and thought among people.


Certain wrong social customs prevalent during this time were Sati System, female infanticide, child marriage.


Role of stalwarts like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Durgaram Mehta and Behramji Malbari instrumental in getting laws passed to abolish these customs with the help of Britishers


Demand for people with knowledge of English due to anglicisation of the administrative framework


English education began to be imparted in India due to Lord Macaulay’s endeavours


Universities were established in Mumbai, Madras and Kolkata as recommended by Charles Wood


Development of a whole class of people with knowledge of English, who demanded social reforms and gave momentum to the process of reforms.


East India Company came to India for trade and prosperity


Company rule had both good and bad results in various fields


Company policy aimed at making England prosperous at the cost of India


Reforms made in the administration by the Company were indirectly beneficial for India


British rule brought about changes in social, economic and cultural fields in India


British rule led to the development of railways, ports, and English education in India


Unfair revenue collection policies and taxes by the Company ruined Indian industries and made peasants debtors


British rule led to the demand for social reforms and the emergence of a class of people with knowledge of English


The British rule in India ultimately led to the demand for independence and the first struggle for independence in 1857 A.D.


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