Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

GSEB Class 9 Social Science Chapter 9 Solutions


(4) Directive Principles of Political Policies are the pre-conditions for the utilization of Fundamental Rights.

Good political policies help a country run well. To have good policies, we need to also have good plans for society and the economy. Giving citizens important rights helps make this happen. When people have these rights, they feel happier, work better, and stay loyal to their country. This helps the country achieve its goals of being prosperous. So, having good political plans is important for using these rights properly.


(5) A formation of society without exploitation is the important aim of the Constitution.

In India, many bad things happen like treating some people badly, making them work for no pay, paying them very little money, treating poor people unfairly, and making women’s families give money or gifts when they get married.

To make things fair for everyone in the country, the Constitution gives people certain rights. It says that everyone is born free and should be able to live their life without anyone taking advantage of them. The Constitution tries to make sure that people are treated equally and are not exploited by others, the society they live in, or the government.


(6) Directive Principles and Fundamental rights are not against each other instead they complement each other.

The Directive Principles tell the government how to make a fair and equal society without hurting anyone. They give us an idea of what kind of society we want in the future. They show us the way to go and where we want to end up. They help the government make society better and keep it safe. Fundamental Rights stop the government from having too much power, while Directive Principles give the government more ways to help people. Fundamental Rights are important for democracy to work, and Directive Principles help make democracy better. So, Directive Principles and Fundamental Rights don’t work against each other, they work together to make things right.


(7) Duties and Rights are the sides of the same coin.

Rights and duties go together like pieces of a puzzle. Rights let you do things freely under the rules of the country. But duties mean you have to do your part for the country too. For instance, you have the right to play in the park. But it’s also your job to keep the park safe and clean. You can’t have rights without duties because what one person can do might affect someone else’s rights. So, when you enjoy your rights, it’s also your duty to help others enjoy theirs. That’s why rights and duties are like two parts of the same thing.


(8) Child labour is a punishable offence.

The Constitution says the government can make special rules for kids. This means making kids work or beg is against the law. Also, making kids younger than 14 work too much or putting them in dangerous places like factories or mines is wrong. To stop kids under 14 from being mistreated, the Constitution says they can’t work in dangerous jobs. If an employer breaks this rule, it’s a serious crime called Abolition of Child Labour.


(9) For the implementation of Directive Principles one cannot resort to court of Law. (10) Directive Principles are the foundation for the rule of a regime.

The Directive Principles give advice to the government on how to make society better. But they’re just advice, not strict rules. So the government doesn’t have to follow them. Sometimes, as things change, the government might have to ignore these advice. That’s why if the government doesn’t follow a Directive Principle, citizens can’t take it to court.


4. Choose the Correct Options from the below given Options :


(1) Which ‘right’ is considered as a ‘Soul’ by Dr. Ambedkar ?
(A) Right to freedom
(B) Right to Equality
(C) Cultural and Educational Rights
(D) Rights to Constitutional Remedies


(2) According to whom, Directive Principles of State policy are the principles foundation ?
(A) Narendra Modi
(C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(D) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar


(3) A Person detained under Preventive Detention can be kept in detention for how much time ?
(A) 24 hours
(C) 3 months
(B) 6 months
(D) life-long


(4) Children under which age group have the Right of Free and Compulsory Education ?
(A) 6 to 14 years
(B) Upto 3 years
(C) Above 14 years
(D) 18 years of age


(5) Children under which age group are restricted from dangerous profession?
(A) Below 14 years of age
(B) Below 18 years of age
(C) 6-14 years
(D) Above 28 years of age


(6) Which behaviour is considered as social stigma of society?
(A) Untouchability
(C) Dowry
(B) Child labour
(D) Superstition



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