Last updated on June 4th, 2022 at 04:32 pm
(c) How do climbers grow?
Ans- Climbers grow with the help of support .
(d) How do creepers grow?
Ans – Creepers can’t grow straight they grow along with ground.
Tick the correct options.
(a) The rose plant is a
(i) herb (ii) shrub (iii) creeper (iv) climber
(b) This is a weak plant………
(i) neem (ii) mango (iii) watermelon (iv) coconut
(c) The grape plant is a……….
(i) strong shrub (ii) weak herb (iii) creeper (iv) climber
(d) The watermelon plant……….
(i) grows tall
(ii) grows along the ground
(iii) grows with the help of a support
(iv) grows bushy and strong
Questions Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
- Which would be easier—plucking roses from a shrub or plucking coconuts from a tree?
Plucking rose from a shrub is easier because rose is a small [shrub] plant.
- A mango tree would need the support of a stick to grow tall and straight. Is this true or false? Can you say why?
False , Mango is a tall and big tree ,it does not need support.