Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Maharashtra Board Class 6 English Who’s the Greatest

Q: Why did Akbar laugh when he heard Birbal’s answer in the first story?

A: Akbar laughed because Birbal’s answer was exactly what had happened that morning – Akbar’s grandson had pulled his mustache.


Q: What was the challenge that Akbar gave his courtiers in the second story?

A: Akbar asked the courtiers to tell him at least one thing that he could do but God Almighty could not.


Q: What was Birbal’s answer to Akbar’s challenge in the second story?

A: Birbal suggested that Akbar could banish someone from his kingdom, which was something that God could not do as his kingdom extends everywhere.


Q: How did Akbar respond to Birbal’s answer in the second story?

A: Akbar was pleased with Birbal’s answer as it showed how he had an advantage while also acknowledging the greatness of God. He forgave the courtiers for their inability to answer the challenge.


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