Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

MCQ on Class 5 SST Temperate Grasslands

What is the primary purpose of cattle rearing in the grasslands?
A) Leather production
B) Wool production
C) Meat and milk production
D) Fertilizer production
Answer: C) Meat and milk production


Which region is famous for its dairy farms in the downs?
A) North America
B) South America
C) Europe
D) New Zealand
Answer: D) New Zealand


What minerals are mentioned as being mined in the grasslands?
A) Diamonds and rubies
B) Lignite coal, mineral oil, and natural gas
C) Gold and silver
D) Iron and copper
Answer: B) Lignite coal, mineral oil, and natural gas


Which term is commonly used to describe residents of the South American pampas?
A) Cowboys
B) Gauchos
C) Nomads
D) Ranchers
Answer: B) Gauchos


What is a characteristic feature of the Hottentots in the South African veld?
A) Nomadic lifestyle
B) Agriculture
C) Industrialization
D) Cattle rearing
Answer: A) Nomadic lifestyle


Which continent is not mentioned as having temperate grasslands?
A) Africa
B) North America
C) Asia
D) Antarctica
Answer: D) Antarctica


What is the main occupation of the Kirghiz in the Central Asian steppes?
A) Fishing
B) Nomadic herding
C) Agriculture
D) Mining
Answer: B) Nomadic herding


What factor contributes to the industrialization of the prairies?
A) Fertile soil
B) Dense forests
C) Lack of minerals
D) Nomadic tribes
Answer: A) Fertile soil


Which wind is mentioned as blowing from the sea in the coastal regions of the Pacific Northwest?
A) Buran
B) Chinook
C) Monsoon
D) Typhoon
Answer: B) Chinook


What is a common feature of the grasslands in the southern hemisphere during winter?
A) Snowfall
B) Mild temperatures
C) Hot weather
D) Rainfall
Answer: B) Mild temperatures


Which animal is NOT mentioned as living in the grasslands?
A) Bison
B) Elephant
C) Rattlesnake
D) Prairie dog
Answer: B) Elephant


What is the term used for the region between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle in the northern hemisphere?
A) Torrid Zone
B) Temperate Zone
C) Polar Zone
D) Tundra Zone
Answer: B) Temperate Zone



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