Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

one word substitution for ssc ,upsc competitive exams

Last updated on October 31st, 2020 at 04:28 pm

Answer in One Word

What do we call a decorative ring of flowers and leaves ?  Wreath
What do we call a doctor who treats children ?………….  Paediatrician
What do we call a former student of a school, college or university ?Alumnus  
What do we call a four-wheeled carriage for a baby, pushed or pull by a person ?Pram  
What do we call a game in which no team wins ?  Draw
What do we call a large number of fish swimming together ?Shoal  
What do we call a large sleeping-room with many beds ?Dormitory  
What do we call a list of books and writings of one author or one subjectBibliography  
What do we call a list of books available in a library?Catalogue  
What do we call a list of passengers and luggage  Waybill
What do we call a man having no hair on scalp ?  Bald  
What do we call a person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things ?Optimist  
What do we call a person who is fluent in two languages ?  Bilingual
What do we call a person who knows many foreign languages ?Linguist  
What do we call a person who loves mankind ?Philanthropist  
What do we call a place of permanent residence ?Domicile  
What do we call a place where all religions are honoured ?  Secular  
What do we call a place where bees are kept  Apiary  
What do we call a place where birds are kept  Aviary  
What do we call a place where clothes are kept ?  Wardrobe  
What do we call a school for infants and young children ?  Kindergarten  
What do we call a person who betrays someone or something ?  Traitor  
What do we call a person who studies the formation of the earth ?Geologist  
What do we call a large body of people playing musical instruments ?Orchestra  
The art of making maps and charts is known as…………..  Cartography  
The line where the land and sky seems to meet ………..  Horizon  
The process by which plants and animals breathe…………………..Respiration  
The study of ancient civilization is known as ………….Archaeology  
The study of birds is known as ………….Ornithology  
The study of plant life is known as ………….Botany  
The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs is known as ………….  Theology  
The study of the origin and history of words is known as ………….  Etymology  
The study of worms and insects is known as ………….  Entomology  
Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of the death is known as ………….Autopsy
Experts who scientifically study insects is known as ………….Entomologists  
Instrument that magnifies objects is known as ………….  Microscope  
Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure is known as ………….  Barometer  
Medical study of skin and its diseases is known as ………….  Dermatology  
Fear of being enclosed in small closed space is known as ………….  Claustrophobia  
Group of people living together in the same locality is known as ………….  Neighbourhood  
Life history of a person written by another is known as ………….  Biography  
Determine the nature of disease is known as ………….  Diagnose
Inability to sleep is known as ………….  Insomnia  

one word substitution for ssc ,upsc competitive exams. Learn one word substitution with this post.

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