Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Tamil Nadu Board Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Measurement

VIII. Find the answer for the following questions within the grid.

  • 10-3 is one ……..milli
  • SI Unit of time is ……..second
  • Cross view of reading a measurement leads to……….[parallax]
  • …….is the one what a clock reads. [time]
  • …….is the amount of substance present in an object.[Mass]
  • …….can be taken to get the final reading of the recordings of different students for a single measurement. [Average]
  • …….is a fundamental quantity.[Length]
  • …….shows the distance covered by an automobile. [Odometer]
  • …….A tailor uses to take measurements to stitch the cloth.[Measuring Tape]
  • Liquids are measured with this physical quantity…. [Volumes]

Answer briefly.

Q- Define measurement.

Measurement is finding out the size, length, or amount of something using standard units.


Q-Define mass.

Mass is how much stuff is in an object. It’s how heavy or light something is.


Q-The distance between two places is 43.65 km. Convert it into metre and cm.

43.65 km is 43,650 m and 4,365,000 cm.


Q-What are the rules to be followed to make accurate measurement with scale?

To make accurate measurements with a scale, keep the object parallel to the scale, start from ‘0’, and avoid parallax error by ensuring your eye is directly above the point of measurement.


Solve the following.

Q- The distance between your school and your house is 2250 m. Express this distance in kilometre.

  The distance between your school and your house is 2250 m. Express this distance in kilometre.

  • Distance in kilometre = 2250 m / 1000 = 2.25 km


Q- While measuring the length of a sharpened pencil, reading of the scale at one end is 2.0 cm and at the other end is 12.1 cm. What is the length of the pencil?

  While measuring the length of a sharpened pencil, reading of the scale at one end is 2.0 cm and at the other end is 12.1 cm. What is the length of the pencil?

  • Length of the pencil = 12.1 cm – 2.0 cm = 10.1 cm

Additional QA


Q: What is length and its standard unit?

A: Length is the distance between two points. Its standard unit is the metre (m).


Q: What are the smaller units used to measure length?

A: Smaller units used to measure length include millimetre (mm) and centimetre (cm).


Q: What is the SI unit for length?

A: The SI unit for length is the metre (m).


Q: How do scientists ensure uniformity in measurements?

A: Scientists ensure uniformity in measurements by adopting a common set of units known as the International System of Units (SI Units).


Q: What are some prefixes used for SI units?

A: Some prefixes used for SI units include kilo-, centi-, and milli-.


Q: What is mass and its SI unit?

A: Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in an object. Its SI unit is the kilogram (kg).


Q: How is weight different from mass?

A: Weight is the gravitational pull experienced by matter, whereas mass is the amount of matter in an object.


Q: How is weight affected by gravity?

A: Weight is directly proportional to mass and is affected by gravity. On the moon, where gravity is weaker, weight is less compared to Earth.


Q: What are some common units for measuring mass?

A: Common units for measuring mass include grams (g) and kilograms (kg), with larger weights measured in tonnes or metric tonnes.


Q: How is mass measured using a beam balance?

A: Mass is measured using a beam balance by comparing the mass of an object to that of a known standard mass.


Q: What is time and how is it measured?

A: Time is the measurement of change. It is measured using clocks, with electronic clocks and stopwatches providing precise measurements.


Q: What are some rough methods for measuring time?

A: Rough methods for measuring time include using a clock face, counting pulses, and observing changes in day and night.


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