Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Tamil Nadu Board Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Matter Around Us

Q: What are the three states of matter?
A: The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas.


Q: What are the characteristics of particles of matter?
A: Particles of matter have space between them and attract each other.


Q: Give examples of solids, liquids, and gases.
Solids: Stone, wood
Liquids: Water, milk
Gases: Air, helium


Q: What is diffusion?
A: Diffusion is the tendency of particles of gases and liquids to spread out in order to occupy the available space.


Q: What is a pure substance?
A: A pure substance is made up of only one kind of particles and can be an element or a compound.


Q: What is a mixture?
A: A mixture is an impure substance containing two or more components physically mixed in any proportion.


Q: Name two separation methods used in Selvi’s family.
A: Threshing and churning.


Q: What is decantation?
A: Decantation is the process of pouring out the clear supernatant liquid without disturbing the sediment.


Q: What is filtration?
A: Filtration is the process of separating insoluble solid particles (residue) from a liquid (filtrate) by using a filter paper.


Q: What is adulteration?
A: Adulteration is making things impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance.


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