Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 6 Geography Unit 2 Lands and Oceans


What are oceans?

Oceans are vast and continuous bodies of saltwater that cover about 71% of the Earth’s surface. There are five main oceans: the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Southern Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.


List out the names of continents according to their size.

The continents in order of size from largest to smallest are:

  • Asia
  • Africa
  • North America
  • South America
  • Antarctica
  • Europe
  • Australia


Name the oceans which surround North America and South America.

The oceans that surround North America are the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.

The oceans that surround South America are the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.


Distinguish Between

A Mountain and a Plateau:

Mountain Plateau
Rises 600 meters or more above surroundings Elevated flat area, can be a few hundred to several thousand meters above surroundings
Steep slopes Generally bounded by steep slopes
Has a distinct peak Generally flat-topped, known as tableland
Often formed by tectonic forces such as volcanic activity or the collision of tectonic plates Formed by various geological processes, including volcanic activity, uplift, and erosion
Himalayas, Rocky Mountains, Andes Tibetan Plateau, Deccan Plateau, Chotanagpur Plateau


An Ocean and a Sea:

Ocean Sea
Vast and extensive, covering large areas Smaller compared to oceans, often partially enclosed by land
Generally deeper than seas Shallower compared to oceans
Open and continuous body of salt water Often located where the land and ocean meet, may be fully or partially enclosed by land
Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean Mediterranean Sea, Caribbean Sea, South China Sea
Supports diverse and vast ecosystems Supports diverse ecosystems but on a smaller scale compared to oceans
Major global navigation routes Important for regional navigation and trade

Answer the following questions


Mention the classification of landforms.

Landforms are classified into three orders based on their size and formation processes:

First order landforms: These include the largest features on Earth, such as continents and oceans.

Second order landforms: These are large but smaller than first-order landforms, including mountains, plateaus, and plains.

Third order landforms: These are smaller features formed mainly by erosional and depositional activities, such as valleys, beaches, and sand dunes.


Write a note on plateaus.

Plateaus are elevated flat areas that have a relatively level surface bounded by steep slopes. They can be a few hundred to several thousand meters above sea level. Plateaus are formed by various geological processes, including volcanic activity, uplift, and erosion. They often have rich mineral deposits, making them significant for mining activities. The Tibetan Plateau, known as the ‘Roof of the World,’ is the highest plateau globally.


Plains are highly populated. Give reasons.

Plains are highly populated due to their flat and fertile land, which is ideal for agriculture. The availability of water from rivers and their tributaries makes them suitable for irrigation and farming. Additionally, plains have good transportation networks and infrastructure, making them convenient for habitation and trade. The favorable living conditions and economic opportunities attract large populations to these areas.


Give the important features of the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean on Earth, covering about one-third of the Earth’s total surface area. It is bounded by Asia and Australia to the west and North and South America to the east. The ocean contains the Mariana Trench, the deepest point on Earth at 10,994 meters. It also features the Pacific Ring of Fire, a major area of volcanic activity. The Pacific Ocean has numerous marginal seas and islands, including the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia.


Write about the importance of oceans.

Oceans play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing solar radiation and distributing heat around the globe. They are vital for the global water cycle, providing the majority of the planet’s precipitation through evaporation. Oceans support a vast diversity of marine life, which is essential for global biodiversity. They are also a major source of food, energy, and minerals, and facilitate international trade and transportation. Additionally, oceans offer recreational opportunities and contribute to the cultural and economic well-being of coastal communities.



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