Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 7 Civics Unit 2 Political Parties

Single-party system, Bi-party system, and Multi-party system.


Name the countries which follow Bi – party system.

The United Kingdom (Labour Party and Conservative Party) and the United States (Republican Party and Democratic Party).


Write a note on Coalition Government.

A Coalition Government is formed when no single party secures a majority required to form the government, leading multiple parties to join together to create a governing majority.


Answer the following


Write any four functions of political party?

  • Formulating public opinion.
  • Serving as intermediaries between citizens and policymakers.
  • Contesting elections to capture power constitutionally.
  • Promoting national interest and welfare.


When is a political party recognized as a National Party?

A political party is recognized as a National Party if it has been engaged in political activity for five years and its candidates secure at least 6% of total votes in the last general election.



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