Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 7 Geography Unit 1 Interior of the Earth

If you are looking for TN Board Class 7 Geography Unit 1 Interior of the Earth then you are at the right place. Here we are providing solutions as well as additional QA / Important Notes.


Choose the correct answer

Nife is made up of ___________ .

  • Nickel and ferrous
  • Silica and aluminum
  • Silica and magnesium
  • Iron and magnesium


Earthquake and volcanic eruption occur near the edges of ______________.

  • Mountain
  • Plains
  • Plates
  • Plateaus


The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by ______________.

  • Seismograph
  • Richter scale
  • Ammeter
  • Rotameter


The narrow pipe through which magma flow out is called a ______________.

  • Vent
  • Crater
  • Focus
  • Caldera


____________ Volcano is known as light house of Mediterranean Sea.

  • Stromboli
  • Krakota
  • Fujiyama
  • Kilimanjaro


_________ belt is known as the “Ring of Fire”.

  • Circum – Pacific
  • Mid-Atlantic
  • Mid – Continental
  • Antarctic



Fill in the blanks-

  1. The core is separated from the mantle by a boundary called ___________.[Weichart-Gutenberg discontinuity.]
  2. The earthquake waves are recorded by an instrument known as __________.[seismograph]
  3. Magma rises to the surface and spreads over a vast area is known as __________.[fissure eruption.]
  4. An example for active volcano is ______________.[Mt. Stromboli]
  5. Seismology is the study of __________.[earthquakes]


Circle the odd one

  •  crust, magma, core, mantle
  • focus, epicenter, vent, seismic waves
  • Uttar Kashi, Chamoli, Koyna, Krakatoa
  • lava, caldera, silica, crater
  • Stromboli, Helens, Hawaii, Fujiyama


magma (crust, core, and mantle are layers of the Earth, magma is molten rock)

vent (focus, epicenter, and seismic waves are related to earthquakes, vent is related to volcanoes)

Krakatoa (Uttar Kashi, Chamoli, and Koyna are in India, Krakatoa is in Indonesia)

silica (lava, caldera, and crater are volcanic features, silica is a mineral)

Hawaii (Stromboli, Helens, and Fujiyama are individual volcanoes, Hawaii is a location with multiple


Match the following

  • Earth quake – Japanese term
  • Sima – Africa
  • Pacific Ring of Fire- Sudden movement
  • Tsunami – Silica and magnesium
  • Mt. Kenya – World volcanoes


  • Earthquake – Sudden movement
  • Sima – Silica and magnesium
  • Pacific Ring of Fire – World volcanoes
  • Tsunami – Japanese term
  • Mt. Kenya – Africa


Consider the following statement and ( )


Tick the appropriate answer

Assertion (A): There structure of the earth may be compared to that of anApple.

Reason (R): The interior of the earth consists of crust, mantle and core.

  • A and R are correct and R explains A
  • A and R are correct but R does not explain A
  • A is incorrect but R is correct
  • Both A and R are incorrect


Assertion (A): The Pacific Ocean includes two thirds of the world’s volcanoes.

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