Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 8 Geography Unit 4 Migration and Urbanisation

If you are looking for TN Board Class 8 Geography Unit 4 Migration and Urbanisation solutions , then you are at the right place.


I Choose the correct answer.


People move from _______ to _______mainly in search of better jobs

  • Rural to Urban
  • Urban to Rural
  • Hills to plains
  • Plains to hills


A person moves from his own country to another country is known as ______

  • Immigrant
  • Refugee
  • Emigrant
  • Asylum seeker


The migration in search of fertile agricultural land is ______ migration

  • Rural to Rural
  • Rural to Urban
  • Urban to Rural
  • Urban to Urban


War is one of the ______ causes of human migration

  • Demographic
  • Socio-Cultural
  • Political
  • Economic


The main reason for the development of urbanisation in pre-historic period was _____

  • Excess Production of food grains
  • Domestication of cattle
  • Fishing
  • hunting


II Fill in the blanks. 

  1. Urbanisation is determined by ______ number of factors.[three]
  2. __________ is the major push factor operating in rural areas.[Unemployment]
  3. ______ Metropolitan city in India has the second highest urban population in the world.[Delhi]
  4. The movement of a person based on his free will and desire to live in a better place is called _________ migration.[voluntary]
  5. In modern time urban growth was accelerated by the development of ________[Industries]


III Match the following

  • Emigration – In migration
  • Immigration – Out migration
  • Pull factor – Unemployment
  • Push factor – Socio- Cultural migration
  • Marriage – Employment opportunity


  • Emigration – Out migration
  • Immigration – In migration
  • Pull factor – Employment opportunity
  • Push factor – Unemployment
  • Marriage – Socio-Cultural migration


IV State whether the following statements are true or false

  1. Slums are generally found in cities  [True]
  2. Mass migration is absent in the modern period. [False]
  3. The process of Urbanisation has a short history. [False]
  4. Cities and towns are the major polluters of environment. [True]
  5. Transhumance is also referred as seasonal migration. [True]


V Consider the given statements and choose the correct option from the given ones

Statement (A): Urbanisation is mainly due to the movement of people from rural to cities.

Reason (R) : Rural to Urban migration is not a predominant one.

  • A is correct but R is incorrect
  • Both A and R are incorrect
  • Both A and R are correct
  • A is incorrect and R is correct


VI Answer briefly

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