Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 8 History Unit 3 Rural Life and Society

If you are looking for TN Board Class 8 History Unit 3 Rural Life and Society then you are at the right place. Here we are providing solutions as well as additional QA / Important Notes.

Choose the correct answer

Which system was called by different names like Jagirdari, Malguzari and Biswedari etc.?

  • Mahalwari
  • Ryotwari
  • Zamindari
  • None of these


Under which Governor General did the permanent settlement implemented in Bengal.

  • Lord Hastings
  • Lord Cornwallis
  • Lord Wellesley
  • Lord Minto


What was the Mahal in the Mahalwari system?

  • House
  • Land
  • Village
  • Palace


In which region was the Mahalwari system imposed?

  • Maharashtra
  • Madras
  • Bengal
  • Punjab


Who among the following Governors introduced Mahalwari system?

  • Lord Hastings
  • Lord Cornwallis
  • Lord Wellesley
  • Lord William Bentinck


In which region was the Ryotwari system not introduce by the British?

  • Bombay
  • Madras
  • Bengal
  • None of these


The Indigo revolt was led by whom?

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Keshab Chandra Roy
  • Digambar Biswas and Bishnu Biswas
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel


The Bardoli Satyagraha was led by whom?

  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • DigambarBiswas
  • Keshab Chandra Roy


II Fill in the Blanks

  1. ………is the modified version of the Zamindari system.[Mahalwari system]
  2. The Mahalwari system was a Brain child of …………[Holt Mackenzie]
  3. Indigo Revolt took place in……………[Bengal]
  4. Moplah Rebellion was held in…………..[Malabar]
  5. The Champaran Agrarian Act was passed in …………..[May 1918]


III Match the following

  • Permanent Settlement – Madras
  • Mahalwari Settlement – Misery of the Indigo cultivators
  • Ryotwari System – North west province
  • Nil Darban – Bengal
  • Santhal – Rebellion First Peasant revolt


  • Permanent Settlement – Bengal
  • Mahalwari Settlement – North West Province
  • Ryotwari System – Madras
  • Nil Darban – Misery of the Indigo cultivators
  • Santhal Rebellion – First Peasant revolt


IV State true or false

  1. Warren Hastings introduced quinquennial land settlement.[True]
  2. Ryotwari system was introduced by Thomas Munro.[True]
  3. Pabna revolt originated in the Yusufshahi pargana in Gujarat.[False]
  4. The Punjab land alienation Act was passed in 1918.[False]

V Consider the following statement and tick (✓) the appropriate answer

Which of the following statement is not true about Zamindari system?

  • This settlement was introduced in 1793.
  • The Zamindars became the owner of the land.
  • This system secured a fixed a stable income for the cultivators.
  • This practice was applicable to the area of 19% of India.


Which of the following statement is correct about Peasants revolt in India?

  • The Santhal rebellion was held in Bengal.
  • Dinabandhu Mitra wrote a drama called Nil Darban.
  • The Deccan riots started from a village at Pune in 1873.
  • The Moplah peasants rebellion was held in Tamil Nadu.


VI Answer the following in one or two sentences


List out any two salient features of the Permanent settlement?

The Zamindars were recognized as the owners of the land as long as they regularly paid the revenue to the East India Company.

The amount of revenue that the Zamindars had to pay to the Company was firmly fixed and would not be raised under any circumstances.


What were the salient features of the Ryotwari system?

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