Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

CG Board Class 7 History The Period of Revolts and Rebellions


Aurangzeb adopted policies for and against Hindus. Give two-two examples of each.

Policies for Hindus:

  1. Negative: Aurangzeb re-introduced the jaziya tax on Hindus.
  2. Positive: He gave donations to Hindu temples and protected the religious independence of Hindu traders in Surat.


The Period of Revolts and Rebellions Extra Question Answers


Q: Who succeeded Akbar as the Mughal emperor?
a. Jahangir


Q: During Aurangzeb’s reign, what was one major issue faced by peasants?
a. High taxes


Q: What strategy did Shivaji employ in his battles against the Mughals?
a. Guerrilla warfare


Q: Which policy did Aurangzeb adopt to promote religious orthodoxy in his empire?
a. Re-introducing the jaziya tax


Q: What contributed to the downfall of the Mughal Empire after Aurangzeb’s death?
a. Revolts and the emergence of independent kingdoms


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