Last updated on June 28th, 2023 at 11:12 pm
Sex ratio
The ratio of females per 1000 males is called the sex ratio
Formula for calculating sex ratio is=
Population of female/ population of male * 1000
At the beginning of the 20th century the sex ratio in India was 972 females per 1000 males.
Literacy rate
If any person in the age group of 7 years or above can reach and write in any one language, then he she is considered as literate
Formula for literacy rate = population of literate person aged 7 years and above/ population of 7 years’ age or more*100
Literacy is usually associated with going to school whether formal or informal the literacy rate in India has risen from 5 % [1901] to 74% in 2011.
Population Density: –
Population density is the number of people living in a unit Geographic area of the Earth’s surface it is normally expressed as per square kilometre. The density of the population Can also be expressed According to the following formula:
Density of Population = Total Population of the Country / Total Area of the Country.
Fill in the blanks:
- India ranks……………. in the world in terms of population.
- Sex ratio in India is………….
- ……………. state has the highest literacy rate in India.
- The population density in Gujarat is…………….
- 2nd
- 943 F/1000 M
- Kerala
- 308