Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 8 Geography Unit 4 Migration and Urbanisation extra que ans

If you are looking for TN Board Class 8 Geography Unit 4 Migration and Urbanisation extra que ans , then you are at the right place.


Q: How is migration generally defined?
A: Migration is generally defined as the permanent or semi-permanent change of residence of an individual or group of people over a significant distance.


Q: What is the United Nations Organization’s definition of migration?
A: According to the UN, migration is a form of geographical mobility of population between one geographical unit to another, generally involving a permanent change of residence.


Q: What are pull factors in migration?
A: Pull factors are favorable conditions that attract people towards a location.


Q: What are push factors in migration?
A: Push factors are unfavorable conditions that make people move out from a location.


Q: Name five categories of causes responsible for human migration.
A: The five categories are: ecological or natural causes, economic causes, socio-cultural causes, demographic causes, and political causes.


Q: What are some examples of ecological or natural causes of migration?
A: Examples include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and droughts.


Q: What is internal migration?
A: Internal migration is the movement of people within a country.


Q: What are the four types of internal migration?
A: The four types are rural to urban, urban to urban, rural to rural, and urban to rural migration.


Q: What is international migration?
A: International migration is migration that occurs across national boundaries.


Q: What is voluntary migration?
A: Voluntary migration occurs when people move of their own free will to improve their living conditions or financial status.


Q: What is involuntary or forced migration?
A: Involuntary migration occurs when people are forced to move against their will, such as due to war.


Q: What is seasonal migration?
A: Seasonal migration is when people migrate during a particular season and return after the end of that season, often for work or to escape harsh weather conditions.


Q: What is brain drain?
A: Brain drain refers to the migration of skilled people from economically backward countries to developed countries in search of better opportunities.


Q: How does migration affect the age and sex composition of a population?
A: Migration can change the age and sex composition of both the source and destination regions, potentially affecting the dependency ratio and sex ratio.


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