Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

GSEB Class 8 Social Science Chapter 9 Resources

Last updated on October 7th, 2023 at 11:08 pm


Give an example of a resource that has evolved due to technology.
Wind has become a resource due to advancements in power generation through windmills.


How are resources classified based on formation?
Resources are classified into natural resources and human-made resources.


What are natural resources?
Natural resources are elements obtained directly from nature that can be used without extensive processing.


How are natural resources classified based on renewability?
Natural resources are classified as renewable and nonrenewable.


Give examples of renewable resources.
Examples of renewable resources include sunlight, wind, forests, animals, and birds.


Give examples of nonrenewable resources.
Examples of nonrenewable resources include coal, crude oil, natural gas, and nuclear minerals.


Define human-made resources.
Human-made resources are elements processed and modified by human efforts to make them usable.


What are some examples of human-made resources?
Examples of human-made resources are electricity, buildings, roads, bridges, and technology.


How do humans modify the environment to suit their needs?
Humans modify the environment through activities like terrace farming and creating multipurpose projects.


What makes humans a valuable resource?
Humans are valuable resources due to their knowledge, skills, and ability to create and use other resources.


What is human resource development?
Human resource development is the process of enhancing human skills and abilities to maximize resource utilization.


What proportion of the Earth’s surface is occupied by land?
About 29% of the Earth’s total area is occupied by land.


How does the suitability of land affect population density?
Areas suitable for human habitation tend to have higher population density.

GSEB Class 8 Chapter 9 Resources

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