Introduction to Computers MCQ
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Q. Computers are called multi-purpose machines because:
a) They can solve problems in different fields
b) They are expensive
c) They are small in size
d) They are complicated
Ans: a
Q. The step-by-step guidelines written in simple English for solving a task are called:
a) Program
b) Algorithm
c) Instruction
d) Input
Ans: b
Q. The set of data and instructions provided by a user to the computer is called:
a) Output
b) Processing
c) Input
d) Memory
Ans: c
Q. Which of the following is NOT an input device?
a) Mouse
b) Keyboard
c) Printer
d) Barcode reader
Ans: c
Q. Volatile memory is also known as:
a) Secondary memory
b) Primary memory
c) Permanent memory
d) External memory
Ans: b
Q. The brain of the computer is:
a) Input unit
b) Output unit
c) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
d) Memory unit
Ans: c
Q. Which component performs arithmetic and logical computations?
a) Control Unit
b) Arithmetic Logic Unit
c) Memory Unit
d) Input Unit
Ans: b
Q. Software refers to:
a) Physical components
b) Organized collection of computer programs
c) Input devices
d) Output devices
Ans: b