Q. Which memory type is non-volatile and can store data for a long time?
a) Primary memory
b) Cache memory
c) Secondary memory
d) Volatile memory
Ans: c
Q. The full form of GIGO is:
a) Garbage In Garbage Out
b) Good Input Great Output
c) Global Information Global Output
d) Genuine Input Genuine Output
Ans: a
Q. Which unit manages execution of instructions?
a) Memory Unit
b) Control Unit
c) Input Unit
d) Output Unit
Ans: b
Q. An output device that can display graphics and animations is:
a) Printer
b) Speaker
c) Monitor
d) Headphone
Ans: c
Q. Which component remembers data, instructions, and processed results?
a) Input Unit
b) Output Unit
c) Memory
d) Processing Unit
Ans: c
History and Evolution of Computers MCQ
Q. Computers are useful in:
a) Only business
b) Only entertainment
c) Multiple sectors like industry, education, research
d) Only government
Ans: c
Q. The computer’s ability to execute predefined instructions is called:
a) Accuracy
b) Programmability
c) Automation
d) Storage
Ans: b
Q. Compact Disks (CDs) are examples of:
a) Primary storage
b) Secondary storage
c) Volatile memory
d) Cache memory
Ans: b
Q. Hardware refers to:
a) Soft parts of computers
b) Logical parts of computers
c) Physical parts of computers
d) Software components
Ans: c
Q. A computer program is a:
a) Physical device
b) Set of machine-understandable instructions
c) Output mechanism
d) Memory unit
Ans: b