Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

MCQ on First World War and Russian Revolution Class 9 GSEB

16. What did Russia face as a consequence after the Bolshevik Revolution?
A) Instability and civil war
B) Rapid industrial growth
C) Expansion of the monarchy
D) Immediate peace with the West
Answer: A


17. During the First World War, which group took over many responsibilities typically held by men?
A) Children
B) Elderly citizens
C) Women
D) Immigrants
Answer: C


18. What did U.S. president Woodrow Wilson advocate for at Paris Peace Conference?
A) Colonization of Africa
B) Punitive measures against Germany
C) Formation of the League of Nations
D) Expansion of military alliances
Answer: C


19. What happened to the Russian Duma after its formation?
A) It was made permanent.
B) It successfully enacted reforms.
C) It was disbanded shortly after being called.
D) It became a center of military power.
Answer: C


20. What was one of the long-term effects of the First World War?
A) Established strong economies in Europe
B) Increased imperialism
C) Created a feeling of revenge among Germany
D) Promoted democratic governance worldwide
Answer: C


21. What did Lenin advocate during the Russian Revolution?
A) Support for the Czar
B) The importance of the labor class
C) Return of the monarchy
D) Industrialization for capitalists
Answer: B


22. How did Europe’s population change due to the First World War?
A) Significant population growth
B) A substantial decrease in the population
C) An increase in birth rates
D) Population stability
Answer: B


23. What was one reason for the rise of extreme nationalism in Europe?
A) Economic stability
B) Successful colonies
C) Competing national interests
D) Peace treaties
Answer: C


24. Which country gained significant territories due to its victories in the First World War?
A) Russia
B) Germany
C) The Ottoman Empire
D) The Allied Nations
Answer: D


25. What was one major impact of the Bolshevik Revolution on global politics?
A) Enhanced democracy in Europe
B) Spreading of communism
C) Strengthening of monarchies
D) Global financial deregulation
Answer: B


26. What did the Treaty of Versailles impose on Germany?
A) Military expansion
B) Heavy war reparations
C) Colonization rights
D) New alliances
Answer: B


27. The Russian Civil War occurred as a direct aftermath of which revolution?
A) February Revolution
B) Bolshevik Revolution
C) Peace of BrestLitovsk
D) October Revolution
Answer: B


28. Which concept describes the policy of colonies serving as resources for their mother countries?
A) Nationalism
B) Imperialism
C) Communism
D) Militarism
Answer: B


29. What was a significant change in societal roles during the First World War?
A) Women became less involved in the workforce.
B) More children took on adult responsibilities.
C) Women took on many of the jobs left vacant by men.
D) The workforce became entirely male.
Answer: C


30. What ideology did the League of Nations promote?
A) Colonial expansion
B) Isolationism
C) Peaceful resolution of conflicts
D) Military alliances among nations
Answer: C


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