Last updated on June 25th, 2023 at 01:22 am
MCQ on One Word Substitution
MCQ on One Word Substitution – The following is a One Word Substitution test in English Grammar. Click the answer you believe is correct to proceed to the next question. Review your answers after finishing the quiz.
- What do we call a large number of fish swimming together ?
- School
- Shoal
- None
- What do we call a list of books available in a library?
- Shelf
- Collection
- Catalogue
- What do we call a large sleeping-room with many beds ?
- Dormitory
- Hotel
- Monestary
- What do we call a person who betrays someone or something ?
- Geologist
- Wardrobe
- Traitor
- What do we call a place of permanent residence ?
- Aviary
- Domicile
- Secular
- What do we call a decorative ring of flowers and leaves ?
- Pram
- Wreath
- Shoal
- What do we call a former student of a school, college or university ?
- Ex-Student
- Alumnus
- None
- What do we call a person who is fluent in two languages ?
- Philanthropist
- Linguist
- Bilingual
- What do we call a game in which no team wins ?
- Tie
- Draw
- Pram
- What do we call a person who knows many foreign languages ?
- Linguist
- Philanthropist
- Bilingual
- What do we call a school for infants and young children ?
- Creche
- Kindergarten
- Scgool
- What do we call a list of books and writings of one author or one subject ?
- Bibliography
- Biography
- Autobiography
- The art of making maps and charts is known as…………..
- Geologist
- Cartography
- Horizon
- What do we call a doctor who treats children ?
- Paediatrician
- Gynaecologist
- Dermatologist
- The study of ancient civilization is known as ………….
- Theology
- Geology
- Archaeology
- The line where the land and sky seems to meet ………..
- Coast
- Horizon
- Beach
- What do we call a person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things ?
- Opthalmist
- Optimist
- Linguist
- The process by which plants and animals breathe…………………..
- Respiration
- Precipatation
- Perspiration
- What do we call a four-wheeled carriage for a baby, pushed by a person ?
- Dram
- Draw
- Pram
- What do we call a person who loves mankind ?
- Cartography
- Philanthropist
- Traitor
Answer Key
- Shoal
- Catalogue
- Dormitory
- Traitor
- Domicile
- Wreath
- Alumnus
- Bilingual
- Draw
- Linguist
- Kindergarten
- Bibliography
- Cartography
- Paediatrician
- Archaeology
- Horizon
- Optimist
- Respiration
- Pram
- Cartography