Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

MCQ on One Word Substitution

Last updated on June 25th, 2023 at 01:22 am

MCQ on One Word Substitution

MCQ on One Word Substitution – The following is a One Word Substitution test in English Grammar. Click the answer you believe is correct to proceed to the next question. Review your answers after finishing the quiz.


  1. What do we call a large number of fish swimming together ?
  • School
  • Shoal
  • None
  1. What do we call a list of books available in a library?
  • Shelf
  • Collection
  • Catalogue
  1. What do we call a large sleeping-room with many beds ?
  • Dormitory
  • Hotel
  • Monestary
  1. What do we call a person who betrays someone or something ?
  • Geologist
  • Wardrobe
  • Traitor
  1. What do we call a place of permanent residence ?
  • Aviary
  • Domicile
  • Secular
  1. What do we call a decorative ring of flowers and leaves ?
  • Pram
  • Wreath
  • Shoal
  1. What do we call a former student of a school, college or university ?
  • Ex-Student
  • Alumnus
  • None
  1. What do we call a person who is fluent in two languages ?
  • Philanthropist
  • Linguist
  • Bilingual
  1. What do we call a game in which no team wins ?
  • Tie
  • Draw
  • Pram
  1. What do we call a person who knows many foreign languages ?
  • Linguist
  • Philanthropist
  • Bilingual
  1. What do we call a school for infants and young children ?
  • Creche
  • Kindergarten
  • Scgool
  1. What do we call a list of books and writings of one author or one subject ?
  • Bibliography
  • Biography
  • Autobiography
  1. The art of making maps and charts is known as…………..
  • Geologist
  • Cartography
  • Horizon
  1. What do we call a doctor who treats children ?
  • Paediatrician
  • Gynaecologist
  • Dermatologist
  1. The study of ancient civilization is known as ………….
  • Theology
  • Geology
  • Archaeology
  1. The line where the land and sky seems to meet ………..
  • Coast
  • Horizon
  • Beach
  1. What do we call a person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things ?
  • Opthalmist
  • Optimist
  • Linguist
  1. The process by which plants and animals breathe…………………..
  • Respiration
  • Precipatation
  • Perspiration
  1. What do we call a four-wheeled carriage for a baby, pushed by a person ?
  • Dram
  • Draw
  • Pram
  1. What do we call a person who loves mankind ?
  • Cartography
  • Philanthropist
  • Traitor

Answer Key

  1. Shoal
  2. Catalogue
  3. Dormitory
  4. Traitor
  5. Domicile
  6. Wreath
  7. Alumnus
  8. Bilingual
  9. Draw
  10. Linguist
  11. Kindergarten
  12. Bibliography
  13. Cartography
  14. Paediatrician
  15. Archaeology
  16. Horizon
  17. Optimist
  18. Respiration
  19. Pram
  20. Cartography


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