Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

TN Board Class 7 History Unit 3 Emergence of New Kingdoms in South India


V Consider the following statements.

Tick ( √ ) the appropriate answer.

Which of the following statements about Later Cholas are correct?

  1. They had a system of Local self government.
  2. They maintained a strong navy.
  3. They were the followers of Buddhism.
  4. They built big temples.


  • 1,2 and 3
  • 2,3 and 4
  • 1,2 and 4
  • 1,3 and 4


Which of the following statements are true with regard to Rajendra Chola?

  1. He assumed the title Gangaikonda Chola.
  2. He conquered Southern Sumatra.
  3. He is credited with consolidating the Chola power.
  4. His naval power enabled him to conquer Srivijaya.


  • 1 and 2
  • 3 and 4
  • 1,2 and 4
  • All the above


Assertion:- The Yuvarajas were appointed Governors in the provinces.

Reason:- This was done for their training in administration.

  • R is the correct explanation of A.
  • R is not the correct explanation of A.
  • A is wrong and R is correct.
  • A and R are wrong.


Arrange the following administration divisions in descending order.

  1. Nadu
  2. Mandalam
  3. Ur
  4. Kurram


The correct descending order of administrative divisions is:

  1.     Mandalam (Largest unit)
  2.     Nadu (Smaller than Mandalam)
  3.     Kurram (Smaller than Nadu)
  4.     Ur (Smallest unit)


Arrange the events in chronological order.

  1. Maravarman appointed Virapandyan as co – regent.
  2. Civil war broke out.
  3. A Muslim State was established in Madurai.
  4. MaravarmanKulasekaran had two sons – Virapandyan and Sundrapandyan
  5. SundraPandyan sought help from Ala–ud-din Khalji.
  6. Malik Kafur invaded Madurai.


  1. Maravarman appointed Virapandyan as co-regent.
  2. Civil war broke out.
  3. A Muslim State was established in Madurai.
  4. Maravarman Kulasekaran had two sons – Virapandyan and Sundrapandyan.
  5. SundraPandyan sought help from Ala-ud-din Khalji.
  6. Malik Kafur invaded Madurai.


VI Answer in one or two sentences


What were the items exported during the later Chola period?

During the later Chola period, items such as spices, textiles (especially fine cotton and silk), precious stones, pearls, and ivory were exported. These goods were traded with regions including Southeast Asia, China, and the Arabian Peninsula.


What was called Chatur-vedi-mangalam?

Chatur-vedi-mangalam was a special type of Brahmadeya (land granted to Brahmins) settlement where all four Vedas were taught and recited. These villages were often centers of learning and culture.


Write about Kanikadan.

Kanikadan was a land tax or tribute paid to the Chola rulers by subordinate chieftains, landowners, or regions. It was one of the primary sources of revenue for the Chola administration, used to fund various governmental and military expenditures.


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