Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Application for Urgent Work at Home

Write an application for urgent work at home


Sample 1

Dear [Name of Manager],


I hope you’re well when you get this email. I’m writing to ask for permission to work from home today because of an urgent matter that needs my attention .

I know how important it is to be in the office and do my work, but I can’t put this off. I promise that I will do my best to finish my work and meet all deadlines, even if I have to work from home.

Thank you for understanding and helping me out with this. I’d really like to hear from you quickly about this.


Best regards, [Your Name]


Sample 2


Dear [Name of Manager],


I hope this email finds you in good health. I’m writing to request permission to work from home today owing to an emergency that requires my immediate care.

I appreciate the significance of being present in the office and carrying out my tasks, but this cannot be postponed. I assure you that, even while working remotely, I will make every effort to complete my task and fulfil all deadlines.

Thank you for your patience and assistance in this case. I would appreciate it if you could respond to this request as soon as possible.


Regards, [Your Name]

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