Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Chhattisgarh Board Class 8 Science Chapter 11 Solution

Last updated on February 9th, 2024 at 04:31 pm

CG Board Class 8 Science Chemical Effects of Electric Current Textbook Exercises which includes Fill in the blanks ,Question Answers and Extra Question and Answers from the Chapter.

1. Tick the correct answer –

(i) Which of the following is not a good conductor of electricity –
(a) Distilled Water[answer]
(b) lemon Juice
(c) Salty Water
(d) Tap Water


(ii) The electrolyte used in a simple voltaic cell is –
(a) Dilute sulphuric acid[answer]
(b) Dilute hydrochloric acid
(c) Copper sulphate solution
(d) Potassium hydroxide solution.


(iii) The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity is known as –

(a) Electrolysis
(b) Electroplating[answer]
(c) Chemical reaction
(d) Electro refining


(iv) The apparatus used for electrolysis is –
(a) Electric cell
(b) Voltameter[answer]
(c) Ammeter
(d) Magnetic needle


2. Fill in the blanks –

(i) Solution of …………………………………. electrolyte is used in simple voltaic cell.[copper sulphate]
(ii) On passing current through any solution, produces……………………. effect.[chemical]
(iii) In solar cell …………… energy is converted into …………………………… energy.[solar , electrical]
(iv) Process of coating of expensive metals over cheap metals by voltaic cell is called…………..[electroplating]
(v) …………… cells are used in watches, calculator, transistors and artificial satellites.[Button]


Q. What do you mean by good and poor conductor of electricity?
Good conductors of electricity allow electric current to flow through them easily, while poor conductors hinder the flow of electric current.


Q. Why distilled water is poor conductor while tap water is good conductor of electricity?
Distilled water is a poor conductor because it lacks dissolved ions, whereas tap water contains dissolved salts and minerals, making it a good conductor.


Q. What do you mean by chemical effect of electric Current?
The chemical effect of electric current refers to the chemical reactions that occur when an electric current passes through a conducting solution, leading to changes such as gas bubble formation, metal deposition, or changes in solution color.


Q. What are the main reasons of doing electroplating?
Electroplating is done to coat one metal with another, for purposes like corrosion resistance, aesthetics, and improving conductivity.


Q. Name some electroplated objects available in your surrounding by making a list.
Objects that are commonly electroplated include jewelry, silverware, car parts, kitchen faucets, and bicycle handlebars.

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