Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Chhattisgarh State Class 6 Science Chapter 1 solution

Chhattisgarh State Class 6 Science Chapter 1 solution / Textbook Exercise

Chhattisgarh State Board Class 6 Science Chapter 1 solution / exercise, which includes fill-in-the-blank sentences, true or false statements, and questions and answers.”


(1) Name the three layers of the earth.
(1) The three layers of the Earth are: Crust , Mantle , Core.


(2) Name the various minerals found in the earth’s crust.
(2) Various minerals found in the Earth’s crust include:
Iron , Aluminum , Copper , Coal , Limestone , Petroleum , Natural gases

(3) What is mantle?
(3) Mantle is the middle layer of the Earth. It is characterized by its thick layer of hot molten rock and contains various gases.

(4) Name the metals found in the core of the earth.
(4) The metals found in the core of the Earth are primarily iron and nickel. The outer region of the core contains mostly iron in a molten form.

Fill in the blanks.
1. The earth has been divided into three regions ———, ———and———. [Crust, Mantle, and Core.]
2. At the Poles water is in ——— form. [solid]
3. ——— part of the total area of the earth is Hydrosphere and ——— part is Lithosphere. [3/4 and 1/4 ]
4. Atmosphere has mainly——, ———and———gases. [Nitrogen,Oxygen and carbon dioxide]
5. ————gas turns lime water milky. [Carbon Dioxide]

Answer These

1. Which is the planet nearest to the sun?
The planet nearest to the sun is Mercury.


2. Which is the planet farthest from the sun?
The planet farthest from the sun is Neptune.


3. With respect to the distance from the sun, what is the position of the earth?
With respect to the distance from the sun, Earth is the third planet.


4. Which is the planet nearest to the earth?
The planet nearest to Earth is Venus.


5. Name the natural satellite of the earth.
The natural satellite of the Earth is the Moon.


6. Why do we eat food?
We eat food for several reasons:
To obtain the energy needed for our body’s functions and daily activities.
To provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins that are necessary for growth, repair, and overall health.
To maintain the body’s metabolic processes, including digestion, circulation, and respiration.


2. Why is water necessary for living beings?
Water is necessary for living beings for various reasons:
Water is a important component of cells, tissues, and organs in the body, facilitating essential biochemical reactions.
It helps regulate body temperature through processes like sweating and evaporation.
Water is crucial for digestion and the absorption of nutrients from food.
It aids in the removal of waste products from the body through urine and sweat.
Water also plays a role in maintaining blood pressure and overall bodily functions.


3. Where do aquatic organisms obtain O2 from?
Aquatic organisms obtain oxygen (O2) from dissolved oxygen in the water. In aquatic ecosystems, oxygen dissolves into water through a process called diffusion, and aquatic organisms extract oxygen directly from the water through their respiratory organs, such as gills in fish.


4. How does soil help green plants?
Soil helps green plants in various ways:
Soil provides physical support to plant roots, allowing them to anchor and stabilize the plant.
It serves as a reservoir for essential nutrients that plants need to grow, including minerals and organic matter.
Soil contains organic matter that decomposes and releases nutrients into a form that plants can absorb.
soil is essential for plant growth and the production of food and plays a critical role in ecosystems.

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