Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 6 English The Friendly Mongoose

Class 6 English The Friendly Mongoose


[Q] Why did the farmer bring a baby mongoose into the house?
The farmer had a little boy. He wanted his child to have a pet for company. So, he got a baby mongoose and brought it home to play with his child.


[Q] Why didn’t the farmer’s wife want to leave the baby alone with the mongoose?
The farmer’s wife didn’t trust her pet mongoose. She was hesitant to leave her son alone with the animal.


[Q] What was the farmer’s comment on his wife’s fears?
The farmer understood why his wife was afraid of leaving the baby alone with the mongoose. Therefore, he made an effort to remove her fear. He explained that the mongoose was a friendly creature, just as sweet and gentle as their own child.


[Q] Why did the farmer’s wife strike the mongoose with her basket?
The farmer’s wife, seeing blood on the mongoose, believed it had killed her son. Out of anger, she struck the mongoose with the basket, causing its immediate death.


[Q] Did she repent her hasty action? How does she show her repentance?
the farmer’s wife saw the torn snake and her sleeping son unharmed. Filled with remorse, she touched the lifeless mongoose and cried, regretting the tragic outcome of her impulsive actions.


Class 6 English The Friendly Mongoose Short Question Answers


[Q] Why did the farmer and his wife decide to get a pet?
Answer: They wanted a companion for their small son.


[Q] What animal did the farmer bring as a pet for their son?
Answer: A baby mongoose


[Q] How long did it take for the mongoose to grow to its full size?
Answer: 5-6 months


[Q] Why was the farmer’s wife afraid to leave the baby alone with the mongoose?
Answer: The wife didn’t trust the mongoose with the baby.


[Q] What happened when the farmer’s wife returned home from the market?
Answer: She found the mongoose covered in blood.


[Q] What did the farmer’s wife initially believe the mongoose had done?
Answer: Killed her baby


[Q] What did the farmer’s wife eventually discover about the mongoose?
Answer: It had killed a snake to protect the baby.


[Q] How did the farmer’s wife react when she realized her mistake?
Answer: She became angry at herself and cried.

NCERT Class 6 English Solutions
Class 6 English The Friendly Mongoose summary

Class 6 English The Friendly Mongoose summary


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