Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Our Country India MCQ

if you are looking for Class 6 Geography Chapter 6 Our Country India MCQ then you are on the right place.learn these mcq and prepare for the exams.


    Which geographical feature bounds India in the north?

  1. a) Arabian Sea
  2. b) Bay of Bengal
  3. c) Himalayas
  4. d) Indian Ocean

    Answer: c) Himalayas


    What is the total area of India?

  1. a) Approximately 3.28 thousand sq. km
  2. b) Approximately 3.28 million sq. km
  3. c) Approximately 3.28 billion sq. km
  4. d) Approximately 3.28 trillion sq. km

    Answer: b) Approximately 3.28 million sq. km


    What is the north-south extent of India?

  1. a) About 3,200 km
  2. b) About 2,900 km
  3. c) About 4,500 km
  4. d) About 1,500 km

    Answer: a) About 3,200 km


    Which landform is characterized by the Great Indian Desert?

  1. a) Himalayas
  2. b) Northern Plains
  3. c) Plateau surface
  4. d) Coasts and islands

    Answer: c) Plateau surface


    Which country has the highest population after India?

  1. a) United States
  2. b) Brazil
  3. c) China
  4. d) Russia

    Answer: c) China


    When was India’s population recorded to be more than one hundred twenty crores?

  1. a) 2001
  2. b) 2011
  3. c) 2021
  4. d) 2031

    Answer: b) 2011



    In which hemisphere does India belong based on its location?

  1. a) Eastern hemisphere
  2. b) Western hemisphere
  3. c) Northern hemisphere
  4. d) Southern hemisphere

    Answer: a) Eastern hemisphere


    What is the latitudinal extent of the mainland of India?

  1. a) Between 8°30’N and 37°30’N
  2. b) Between 23°30’N and 37°30’N
  3. c) Between 8°4’N and 37°6’N
  4. d) Between 23°30’N and 37°6’N

    Answer: c) Between 8°4’N and 37°6’N


    What is the longitudinal extent of India?

  1. a) Between 68°7’E and 97°25’E
  2. b) Between 68°7’E and 82°30’E
  3. c) Between 82°30’E and 97°25’E
  4. d) Between 68°7’W and 97°25’W

    Answer: a) Between 68°7’E and 97°25’E


    How much time difference is there between the easternmost and westernmost points of India?

  1. a) 1 hour
  2. b) 2 hours
  3. c) 3 hours
  4. d) 4 hours

    Answer: b) 2 hours


    Why is the local time of longitude 82°30’E considered as the Indian Standard Time?

  1. a) It is the midpoint of India’s longitudinal extent.
  2. b) It is the longitude of the capital city, New Delhi.
  3. c) It is the closest longitude to the Tropic of Cancer.
  4. d) It is the longitude of the Prime Meridian.

    Answer: a) It is the midpoint of India’s longitudinal extent.



    How many countries share land boundaries with India?

  1. a) Four
  2. b) Five
  3. c) Six
  4. d) Seven

    Answer: d) Seven


    Which country shares the longest land boundary with India?

  1. a) Afghanistan
  2. b) Bangladesh
  3. c) China
  4. d) Pakistan

    Answer: b) Bangladesh


    Which country is separated from India by the Palk Strait?

  1. a) Sri Lanka
  2. b) Maldives
  3. c) Bhutan
  4. d) Myanmar

    Answer: a) Sri Lanka


    How many of the countries sharing land boundaries with India do not have access to any ocean or sea?

  1. a) One
  2. b) Two
  3. c) Three
  4. d) Four

    Answer: a) One


    Which country is located to the west of India?

  1. a) Afghanistan
  2. b) Bangladesh
  3. c) China
  4. d) Pakistan

    Answer: d) Pakistan



    How many states are there in India?

  1. a) 20
  2. b) 25
  3. c) 28
  4. d) 30

    Answer: c) 28

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