Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Exercise 1.2

Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Exercise 1.2


NCERT solutions for Class 6 Maths Chapter 1 Exercise 1.2 – Knowing your Numbers. Find detailed step-by-step solutions to all the questions in this exercise.


[1] A book exhibition was held for four days in a school. The number of tickets sold at the counter on the first, second, third and final day was respectively 1094, 1812, 2050
and 2751. Find the total number of tickets sold on all the four days.

  • To find the total number of tickets sold on all four days, we need to add number of tickets sold on each day.
  • tickets sold on the first day = 1094
    tickets sold on the second day = 1812
    tickets sold on the third day = 2050
    tickets sold on the final day = 2751
  • Total number of tickets sold = 1094 + 1812 + 2050 + 2751 = 7707
  • Therefore, the total number of tickets sold is 7707.


[2] Shekhar is a famous cricket player. He has so far scored 6980 runs in test matches.
He wishes to complete 10,000 runs. How many more runs does he need?

  • To find how many more runs Shekhar needs to complete 10,000 runs in test matches, we need to subtract the runs he has already scored from the target of 10,000 runs.
  • Runs Shekhar has scored so far = 6980
    Target runs = 10,000
  • runs needed = Target runs – Runs scored so far
    = 10,000 – 6980
    = 3020
  • Therefore, Shekhar needs 3020 more runs to complete 10,000 runs in test matches.


[3] In an election, the successful candidate registered 5,77,500 votes and his nearest
rival secured 3,48,700 votes. By what margin did the successful candidate win the

  • To calculate the election margin, subtract the nearest rival’s votes from the successful candidate’s votes.
  • No. of votes secured by the successful candidate = 5,77,500
    No. of votes secured by the nearest rival = 3,48,700
  • Margin of victory = No. of votes of successful candidate – No. of votes of nearest rival
    = 5,77,500 – 3,48,700
    = 2,28,800
  • Therefore, the successful candidate won by a margin of 2,28,800 votes.


[4] Kirti bookstore sold books worth ` 2,85,891 in the first week of June and books
worth ` 4,00,768 in the second week of the month. How much was the sale for the
two weeks together? In which week was the sale greater and by how much?

  • To get the total sales for both weeks, add the sales of the first and second week.
  • Sales first week of June = ₹2,85,891
    Sales second week of June = ₹4,00,768
  • Total sales for the two weeks = Sales first week + Sales second week
    = ₹2,85,891 + ₹4,00,768
    = ₹6,86,659
  • Therefore, the total sales for the two weeks together is ₹6,86,659.
  • To know which week had greater sales and by how much, we can compare the sales figures of the first and second week.
  • first week sales: ₹2,85,891
    second week sales : ₹4,00,768
  • The sales in the second week (₹4,00,768) are greater than the sales in the first week (₹2,85,891).
  • The difference in sales = Sales in the second week – Sales in the first week
    = ₹4,00,768 – ₹2,85,891
    = ₹1,14,877
  • Therefore, the sales in the second week were greater than the sales in the first week by ₹1,14,877.


[5] Find the difference between the greatest and the least 5-digit number that can be
written using the digits 6, 2, 7, 4, 3 each only once.

  • The greatest 5-digit number formed using these digits is  76432.
  • The least 5-digit number formed using these digits is 23467.
  • Now, find the difference between these two numbers:
  • 76432 – 23467 = 52965
  • Therefore, the difference between the greatest and the least 5-digit number is 52,965.


[6] A machine, on an average, manufactures 2,825 screws a day. How many screws did it produce in the month of January 2006?

  • To calculate the number of screws produced in January 2006, we multiply the average number of screws produced per day by the number of days in January.
  • Average number of screws manufactured per day = 2,825
  • Number of days in January 2006 = 31
  • Total screws produced in January 2006 = Average screws per day × Number of days
  • Total screws produced in January 2006 = 2,825 screws/day × 31 days
  • Total screws produced in January 2006 = 87,775 screws
  • Therefore, the machine produced 87,775 screws in the month of January 2006.


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