Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Conjunction Worksheet for Class 4

Learn the Conjunction Worksheet for Class 4 that provide practice exercises for the students .

Conjunction Worksheet for Class 4 – Exercise  1

Complete each sentence by choosing the correct conjunction from the options given in parentheses.


  1. Sarah wanted to go to the park, (but/and) it started to rain.
  2. Max likes to play soccer, (so/because) he joined the school team.
  3. The cat is black (and/or) white.
  4. I want to buy a new bicycle (but/because) mine is broken.
  5. Jenny is allergic to peanuts (so/and) she can’t eat peanut butter sandwiches.
  6. Tom studied hard for his test (but/so) he didn’t get a good grade.
  7. Lucy wants to become a doctor (and/but) she also loves to paint.
  8. It’s raining heavily outside, (so/because) we can’t go for a picnic.



  1. but
  2. so
  3. and
  4. because
  5. so
  6. but
  7. and
  8. so


Conjunction Worksheet for Class 4 – Exercise  2

Choose the correct conjunction from the options given in parentheses to complete each sentence.

  1. Sam wanted to watch TV, (but/so) he finished his homework first.
  2. Lisa enjoys playing soccer (and/or) basketball.
  3. Jack forgot his lunch at home (so/but) his mom brought it to school for him.
  4. The dog barked loudly (and/but) it didn’t scare the cat away.
  5. Timmy wanted to go to the zoo, (but/so) it was closed for renovations.
  6. I like both chocolate (and/or) vanilla ice cream.
  7. Maria has a cat (and/but) she also has a pet fish.
  8. The movie was long, (so/because) we decided to watch it over two nights.


  1. so
  2. or
  3. so
  4. but
  5. but
  6. and
  7. and
  8. so

Conjunction Worksheet for Class 4 – Exercise  3

Choose the correct conjunction from the word bank to complete each sentence.

Word Bank: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so


  1. Sarah wanted to go to the zoo, ____ she stayed home and read a book instead.
  2. The weather was cold, ____ we decided to have a picnic in the park.
  3. Sam didn’t want pizza ____ spaghetti for dinner.
  4. The dog didn’t bark, ____ did it wag its tail.
  5. Julie loves to dance, ____ she also enjoys playing the piano.
  6. Tom is not tall ____ is he short; he is of average height.
  7. I’m not sure if I want chocolate ice cream ____ vanilla ice cream.
  8. Lucy studied hard ____ she could pass her math test.


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