Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

GSEB Class 7 Rajput Age-New Ruler and States

Last updated on October 7th, 2023 at 10:23 pm

Q: Which dynasty ruled Rajasthan in the 8th century?
A: A branch of the rulers of the Chauhan dynasty ruled Rajasthan in the 8th century.


Q: Where was the place called Shakambari located?
A: Shakambari was located to the north of Ajmer, near Sambhar Lake.


Q: How would you describe the Rajputs of India?
A: The Rajputs of India were known for their bravery, courage, and fearlessness. They were dedicated protectors of Gau Brahmins and were willing to sacrifice their lives rather than show their back to the enemy. They upheld righteousness in battle and would protect the surrendered ones at any cost.


Q: What qualities were Rajput women known for?
A: Rajput women were famous for their valor, integrity, boldness, and truthfulness. They willingly sent their husbands, sons, and brothers for battle and, if needed, would join the battlefield themselves with weapons in hand.


Q: What was the state of India during the rise of feudal powers in the 7th century?
A: During the rise of feudal powers in the 7th century, India was divided into many small and large provinces. Numerous Rajput dynasties emerged during this time, marking the middle age of India’s history.


Q: Who set on the throne of Shaankbhari in the beginning of the 12th century?
A: Ajay Raj set on the throne of Shaankbhari in the beginning of the 12th century.


Q: Which town did Ajay Raj found, which is now known as Ajmer?
A: Ajay Raj founded a town called Ajay Meru, which is now known as Ajmer.


Q: What is the unique place held by Prithviraj 3 in the history of India?
A: Prithviraj 3 holds a unique place in the history of India because in 1191 AD, he defeated Sultan Shiyabuddin Ghori of Ghazni in the Terrai plain between Thaneswar and Karnal.


Q: How did Rajput rule over Delhi come to an end?
A: Rajput rule over Delhi came to an end in 1192 AD with the defeat of King Prithviraj Chauhan of Delhi in the Battle of Tarai by Shihabuddin Ghori of Ghazni.


Q: Who established the town of Anilwad Patan, and when?
A: Vanraj Chavda established the town of Anilwad Patan in 756 AD on the banks of the river Saraswati.


Q: Why did Vanraj Chavda name his new town Anilwad Patan?
A: Vanraj Chavda named his new town Anilwad Patan after his childhood friend, Anhil Bharwad, who had supported him during his times of grief or struggle.


Q: Which dynasty is considered to be the golden age of Rajput regime in Saurashtra and Kutch in Gujarat?
A: The rule of the Solanki kings is considered to be the golden age of the Rajput regime in Saurashtra and Kutch in Gujarat.


GSEB Class 7 Rajput Age-New Ruler and States

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