Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

GSEB Class 9 Social Science Chapter 10 Organs of Government

The Speaker’s Role in Lok Sabha:

  • Observes proceedings, presides over meetings, and controls functioning.
  • Ensures discipline, order, and dignity are maintained among members.
  • Speaker’s decisions on these matters are final.
  • Essentially, the Speaker acts as a guardian of the House’s dignity.


Q- Describe the emergency powers of the President.

National Emergency:

  • Declared by President if security of India threatened by war, external aggression, or armed rebellion.
  • Emergency can cover whole country or parts.
  • Declaration not subject to court challenge.

Constitutional Emergency:

  • President can declare based on Governor’s report.
  • Results in ‘Presidential Rule’ with state cabinet dissolved.

Financial Emergency:

  • President can reduce salaries of government officials, including judges.
  • President holds vast executive powers, but Prime Minister and Council of Ministers effectively exercise them.


Q- What is the process of Impeachment ?

Impeachment Process for President:

  • Special procedure for President’s early removal for Constitution violation.
  • Process can start in either House of Parliament.
  • Charges brought against President, requiring 2/3rd majority for resolution passage.
  • Resolution sent to other House for investigation.
  • If both Houses approve charges with 2/3rd majority, President removed.
  • President has right to defend during impeachment.

organs of government class 9 solutions


Q- Mention the powers of the Parliament.

Functions of Parliament:

  • Parliament has two Houses: Lok Sabha (Lower) and Rajya Sabha (Upper).
  • Controls, guides, and informs government.
  • Question Hour allows MPs to gather government information.
  • Crucial for financial matters’ approval.
  • Makes, amends, or repeals laws.
  • Passes Union Government budget, can reduce or reject it.
  • Can impeach President, Supreme Court, and High Court judges for Constitution violation or misuse of status.

GSEB Class 9 Social Science Chapter 10 Organs of Government

Q- State the Institute of Local Self Governance.

Rural Local Self-Governance:

  • Gram Panchayat (Village level)
  • Panchayat Samiti (Taluka level)
  • Zilla Parishad (District level)

Urban Local Self-Governance:

  • Municipality (Nagarpalika)
  • Municipal Corporation (Mahanagarpalika)
  • Megacity (Mahanagar Nigam)


Q- State the vices of bureaucracy.

Government Organs:

  • Political Executive: Creates policies.
  • Administrative Executive: Implements policies.
  • Bureaucrats: Experienced public servants responsible for efficient implementation.
  • Government’s power increasingly centralized in bureaucracy.
  • Bureaucratic issues: Nepotism, corruption, inefficiency, misconduct.

GSEB Class 9 Social Science Chapter 10 Organs of Government notes to score well in your exams.



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