Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Man Made Materials

Maharashtra Board Class 8 Man Made Materials ,This page includes Fill in the Blanks, TB Q/A, as well as Extra Questions and Answers from the chapter.

Try to find it.

  1. Plastic shows …… property, hence it can be moulded to any shape.
  2. Motor cars are coated with …….
  3. Thermocol melts at …… ºC.
  4. …… glass dissolves in water.


  1. Plastic shows plasticity property, hence it can be moulded to any shape.
  2. Motor cars are coated with paint.
  3. Thermocol melts at more than 100 ºC.
  4. Alkali silicate glass dissolves in water.

Who is my partner?

‘A’ column ‘B’ column

  1. Lead glass i. Plates
  2. Bakelite ii. Mattresses
  3. Thermocol iii. Electric bulb
  4. Optic glass iv. Electric switch
  5. Polypropylene v. Lens


  1. Lead glass – iii. Electric bulb
  2. Bakelite – iv. Electric switch
  3. Thermocol – i. Plates
  4. Optic glass – v. Lens
  5. Polypropylene – ii. Mattresses

Answer the following.

Thermocol is produced from which material?

Thermocol is produced from a complex material called polystyrene.


Write uses of PVC.

Uses of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride):

  •    Bottles
  •     Raincoat
  •     Pipes
  •     Handbags
  •     Shoes
  •     Electric cable insulation
  •     Furniture
  •     Ropes
  •     Toys, etc.


Write the natural or manmade raw material of the following items.

Mattress, glass vessel, bangle, chair, gunny bag, broom, knife, pen.

Natural or manmade raw material for the following items:

  •     Mattress: Polypropylene (manmade)
  •     Glass vessel: Sand (natural)
  •     Bangle: Plastic (manmade)
  •     Chair: Plastic or Wood (manmade or natural)
  •     Gunny bag: Jute (natural)
  •     Broom: Grass or Plastic (natural or manmade)
  •     Knife: Metal (manmade)
  •     Pen: Plastic or Metal (manmade)


Which are the main ingredients of glass?

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