Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

MCQ on Class 5 SST Latitudes and Longitudes

If you are looking for MCQ on Class 5 SST Latitudes and Longitudes then you are at the right place.


1. What did Ferdinand Magellan prove through his expedition in 1519?
a. Earth is flat
b. Earth is a cube
c. Earth is round
d. Earth has irregular shape

Answer: c. Earth is round


2. What imaginary line divides the Earth into two equal halves?
a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. Equator
d. Prime Meridian

Answer: c. Equator


3. What is the function of the axle in a globe?
a. It supports the globe
b. It allows the globe to spin
c. It determines latitudes
d. It divides the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Answer: b. It allows the globe to spin


4. What is the imaginary line drawn through the center of the Earth called?
a. Equator
b. Tropic of Cancer
c. Axis
d. Prime Meridian

Answer: c. Axis


5. What are the two fixed points shown as the ends of the Earth’s axis?
a. Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
b. North Pole and South Pole
c. Equator and Prime Meridian
d. Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle

Answer: b. North Pole and South Pole


6. What is the part of the Earth that lies south of the Equator called?
a. Southern Hemisphere
b. Northern Hemisphere
c. Equatorial Zone
d. Tropic Zone

Answer: a. Southern Hemisphere


7. What are imaginary circles drawn parallel to the Equator called?
a. Meridians
b. Longitudes
c. Latitudes
d. Tropics

Answer: c. Latitudes


8. How are latitudes measured?
a. In kilometers
b. In angles north or south of the Equator
c. In degrees east or west
d. In miles

Answer: b. In angles north or south of the Equator


9. Which latitude lies at a distance of 23.5°N of the Equator?
a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Tropic of Capricorn
c. Arctic Circle
d. Antarctic Circle

Answer: a. Tropic of Cancer


10. What is the longitude passing through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich called?
a. Tropic of Cancer
b. Prime Meridian
c. Tropic of Capricorn
d. Equator

Answer: b. Prime Meridian


11. How many longitudes are there in total?
a. 90
b. 180
c. 360
d. 365

Answer: c. 360


12. What do longitudes opposite to each other form?
a. Circles
b. Parallels
c. Great circles
d. Meridians

Answer: c. Great circles


13. What does the Earth grid consist of?
a. Circles
b. Latitudes and Longitudes
c. Meridians
d. Tropics

Answer: b. Latitudes and Longitudes


14. What is the point where a latitude and a longitude intersect called?
a. Junction
b. Intersection
c. Coordinate
d. Nexus

Answer: c. Coordinate


15. What helps us locate any place or point on Earth?
a. Coordinate
b. Grid
c. Latitude
d. Longitude

Answer: a. Coordinate

MCQ on Class 5 SST Latitudes and Longitudes

16. What is the reference longitude for Indian Standard Time (IST)?
a. 0°
b. 45°E
c. 90°W
d. 82.5°E

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