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Class 5 Science Reproduction in Plants Questions and Answers

Last updated on September 12th, 2023 at 04:42 pm

Class 5 science chapter 1 reproduction in plants question & answers for kids of CBSE,State and ICSE board by online-Shiksha


Reproduction in Plants Class 5 Questions and Answers


Fill in the blanks with the following:

  1. The tiny baby plant inside the seed is called………
  2. The process of growth of seed into a new plant is called _______
  3. ……….. Are food storage cells for the baby plant?
  4. Monocot plants are those that have only ………. Cotyledon.
  5. A ……………. Is a small shoot that emerges from the seed and grows upwards?
  6. …………….. Is the process of scattering seeds away from the parent plant?
  7. Maize grows well in ………… soil.
  8. Cotton grows well in …………. Soil.

Correct Answers

Class 5 Science Reproduction in Plants Questions and Answers

Short Question Answers on Reproduction in Plants


Define Seedling /Sapling?

Ans.A baby plant with a small root system and a shoot system.


What is a seed coat?

Ans. Seeds have a thick outer coating that covers the baby plant is called the seed coat.


What is cotyledon?

Ans. The fleshy portion of the seed that contains food for the baby plant is cotyledon.


Define germination?

Ans. The transformation of a seed into a seedling is called germination.


What are rabi crops? Give examples.

Ans. Rabi crops are those that are cultivated in the winter. Wheat, gram, and barley are some examples.


What are Kharif crops? Give examples.

Ans. Summer crops are known as Kharif crops. Rice, bajra, maize, jute, and cotton are some examples.


What is the meaning of dispersal in plant reproduction?

Ans. Seeds are scattered or distributed away from the parent plant in dispersal


What factors influence plant growth and development?

Ans. Plants’ growth and development are influenced by soil, climate, and seasons.


Where does the baby plant get its food until it grows green leaves?

Answer: Seed leaves or cotyledons provide food for the baby plant before green leaves emerge.


Long questions and answers of class 5 reproduction in plants


What are the various parts of a seed?

Ans. The seed coat is the seed’s hard outer covering. It safeguards the internal organs of the tiny baby plant known as the embryo. When we remove the seed coat, we discover two parts that are joined together. These are referred to as seed leaves or cotyledons.


Explain the various stages of germination.

Ans. The seeds absorb water through the hole during germination. The embryo’s cells begin to divide and grow in size. The seed coat softens and cracks. Radicle is a small root that emerges from the seed and grows downwards. The plumule is a small shoot that emerges from the seed and grows upwards. A seedling is a seed with a small shoot. Later, when green leaves appear on the shoot, they produce food through the process of photosynthesis. Cotyledons have dried and fallen off by this point. The seedling grows into a new plant.


How can farmers increase crop yield?

Ans. Farmers can increase crop yield by using the following methods:

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