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By Savita S. More

Apostrophe Worksheet

Last updated on August 28th, 2023 at 09:52 pm

Apostrophe Worksheet


Apostrophe Worksheet | English Grammar Worksheets | Learn Apostrophes Easily: Have Fun with Our Exciting Apostrophe Worksheet!

 Apostrophes Worksheet  1

  1. The ball of the boy is red.
  2. The hat of the scarecrow flew away.
  3. The toys belonging to the children were scattered everywhere.
  4. The tail of the dog wagged happily.
  5. The flowers in the garden are very colorful.
  6. The jacket that belongs to Sam is missing.
  7. The books owned by the librarian are well-organized.
  8. The feathers of the bird are so colorful.
  9. The car belonging to my father is parked outside.
  10. The house of the old man looks spooky.
  11. The cake prepared by Grandma was delicious.
  12. The pencils owned by the students are sharpened.
  13. The smile of the baby is heartwarming.
  14. The computer that belongs to the teacher is new.
  15. The guitar of the musician was tuned perfectly.


  1. The boy’s ball is red.
  2. The scarecrow’s hat flew away.
  3. The children’s toys were scattered everywhere.
  4. The dog’s tail wagged happily.
  5. The garden’s flowers are very colorful.
  6. Sam’s jacket is missing.
  7. The librarian’s books are well-organized.
  8. The bird’s feathers are so colorful.
  9. My father’s car is parked outside.
  10. The old man’s house looks spooky.
  11. Grandma’s cake was delicious.
  12. The students’ pencils are sharpened.
  13. The baby’s smile is heartwarming.
  14. The teacher’s computer is new.
  15. The musician’s guitar was tuned perfectly.


 Apostrophes Worksheet  2

  1. The toys that belong to the girls are missing.
  2. The tail that belongs to the cat is fluffy.
  3. The drawings that belong to the students are on the wall.
  4. The house that belongs to the family is big.
  5. The books that belong to the teacher are well-organized.
  6. The hat that belongs to the boy flew away.
  7. The smile that belongs to the baby is adorable.
  8. The cake that belongs to Mom is delicious.
  9. The flowers that belong to the garden are blooming.
  10. The car that belongs to Dad is parked outside.
  11. The jacket that belongs to Sarah is pink.
  12. The cookies that belong to Grandma are tasty.
  13. The computer that belongs to the office is new.
  14. The colors that belong to the rainbow are beautiful.
  15. The feathers that belong to the bird are colorful.


  1. The girls’ toys are missing.
  2. The cat’s tail is fluffy.
  3. The students’ drawings are on the wall.
  4. The family’s house is big.
  5. The teacher’s books are well-organized.
  6. The boy’s hat flew away.
  7. The baby’s smile is adorable.
  8. Mom’s cake is delicious.
  9. The garden’s flowers are blooming.
  10. Dad’s car is parked outside.
  11. Sarah’s jacket is pink.
  12. Grandma’s cookies are tasty.
  13. The office’s computer is new.
  14. The rainbow’s colors are beautiful.
  15. The bird’s feathers are colorful.

 Apostrophes Worksheet  3

  1. The tail that belongs to the dog is wagging.
  2. The shoes that belong to the baby are tiny.
  3. The drawings that belong to the children are colorful.
  4. The house that belongs to the family is old.
  5. The books that belong to the library are interesting.
  6. The hat that belongs to the scarecrow blew away.
  7. The smile that belongs to the girl is bright.
  8. The cake that belongs to Grandma is delicious.
  9. The flowers that belong to the garden are blooming.
  10. The car that belongs to Dad is fast.
  11. The backpack that belongs to Sarah is pink.
  12. The cookies that belong to Mom are tasty.
  13. The computer that belongs to the school is new.
  14. The colors that belong to the rainbow are beautiful.
  15. The feathers that belong to the bird are soft.


  1. The dog’s tail is wagging.
  2. The baby’s shoes are tiny.
  3. The children’s drawings are colorful.
  4. The family’s house is old.
  5. The library’s books are interesting.
  6. The scarecrow’s hat blew away.
  7. The girl’s smile is bright.
  8. Grandma’s cake is delicious.
  9. The garden’s flowers are blooming.
  10. Dad’s car is fast.
  11. Sarah’s backpack is pink.
  12. Mom’s cookies are tasty.
  13. The school’s computer is new.
  14. The rainbow’s colors are beautiful.
  15. The bird’s feathers are soft.


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