Online Shiksha

By Savita S. More

Class 5 Social Science The Machine Age Question Answers

[Q] Who discovered electricity?

Benjamin Franklin Discover electricity

[Q] Define terms 

Hydroelectricity – 

Electricity produced by the force of running water in huge dams is called hydroelectricity and such dams are called hydroelectric projects.

Nuclear energy- 

Nuclear energy is energy produced by splitting an atom.

Solar energy – 

The energy that we get from the heat of sun, called solar energy. It is used for cooking heating etc. Solar electricity is also used to light homes

Compressed natural gas (CNG)- 

CNG is an alternative to petrol used in many vehicles. It causes less pollution as compared to other fuels


Biogas is produced from animal dung. This gas is also called Gobar gas it is usually set up in the villages and it is used for cooking and lighting the lamps.

Wind energy

Wind energy is used as a source of energy. It is designed windmills. Wind energy is also used in grinding grain when they are usually set up in coastal areas .


Fill in the blanks:

  1. The first metal to be discovered was ………..
  2. A mixture of two metals is called an ……….
  3. ……….. was made by mixing copper and tin.
  4. ……………. is harder than Copper and bronze
  5. The industrial revolution begins in……………….
  6. Nuclear energy is produced by splitting an ……………….
  7. Biogas is produced from animal……………… 
  8. Windmills are usually setup and …………. areas 
  9. Steam engine was invented in ………….
  10. Petroleum is also called ……………. oil which means Rock oil

Answer – Fill in the blanks

  1. Copper
  2. Alloy
  3. Bronze
  4. Iron
  5. England
  6. Atom
  7. Dung
  8. Coastal
  9. 1769
  10. Mineral

Class 5 Social Science

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